Tuesday, December 10, 2019


why do you love me?
is it just for my money?
or is it really for my milk and honey?
yeah the sunny spirit that God put inside of me
for the world to see emotionally
yeah my heart is the key for real friend
so if you happen to slip in mine
please know i don't ever plan to leave you behind
unless God calls me to rest
in the best place not on earth
yeah the opposite of birth
so if you see a hearse
carrying me
as yourself first
what was the verse?
that really quenched your thirst
that i said
yeah what really got stuck in head?"
like bread to your stomach
but really please don't wait until...
i plummet
yeah that late date...
won't be great
yeah especially if you my mate
only saw my cake
and not my weight

Monday, December 9, 2019


there is something in the air
yeah and that something really cares
about what goes on here
yeah and who's crying tears for fears
yeah somebody is near
yeah close enough to steer...
the gear of the globe
and close enough whisper...
in our earlobes
so when we disrobe
please know
we are all truly letting go
yeah our skin is really hitting the flo'
yeah it might sound silly
or but profound
but nothing hits the ground
when this something is around
yeah in the air
or everywhere
but don't stare
or compare
yeah because i swear...
there is nothing else like this breath

Sunday, December 8, 2019


i see you in my dreams
and i see you in the screams of my soul
yeah i don't feel whole
but i am alive
so let's drive into my sadness
until i find gladness again
but i miss you my friend
yeah when you left....
my breath....
smelled like death
yeah life stunk
i was in funk
yeah i felt like punk
with no rock group
yeah there wasn't any seasoning...s
in my soup
so no i didn't eat
or sleep
yeah the pain...
was just the deep
but as i crept along
yeah right or wrong
still the song was....
i miss you...
you were you
in all that you did,kid
and i still can't get rid of that fact
yeah i so want you back...
on this track of tears
but then they would be cheers
then my friend...
you would be here..
and this poem would not...

Saturday, December 7, 2019


when i want the heavens to open up
you know what i do?
i write
yeah until my world turns bright
or until i learn something new
yeah writing is the glue
that holds me together
yeah that helps me to weather
any storm
yeah writing keeps me away from harm
or so it seems
as i dreams of so many things
yeah when i write i have wrings
and meaning...
bigger than myself
yeah i have breath
yeah deep
and sweet
and complete
yeah so writing is treat
or a heartbeat
so yeah bottom-line....
my mind is fine
when my blinds are open

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


so maybe i want a husband for all the wrong reasons
yeah i just want a husband to help me through the tough seasons
yeah forget the pleasing and teasing
i would really like a husband to hold me at night
yeah when things are not going right in my sight
and in my heart there's a really big fright
yeah tears streaming down my face
and my spirit screaming get me out of place
yeah let me taste normalcy
yeah let me see what love looks like despite
the darkness
or the hardness
of this world
yes Lord, please let this girl
feel like a real peal
yeah which rare
and treated fairly
yeah not scary
or hairy
but beautiful
and needed
yeah please let me be fed
in my head
and in my head
yeah while i'm not dead

Sunday, November 24, 2019


Speak to me
or help me see
the root of the tree
or the fruit of the vine
Your Heart
and Your Mind
Yes Lord please don't leave me blind
or behind
Yeah please shine Your Light
on Your Might
Yeah lets take flight
to Heaven
Yeah for 24/7
that's all i need
Yeah Father feed
my curiosity
on virtuosity


man i feel so closed in
yeah in my wheelchair
and in my skin
God when will i begin?
to see Cerebral Palsy as a friend
and not a foe
yes Father i would really like to know
yeah before i lose blood flow
and brain power
yeah seconds and hours
no more rain showers
do i want to fall from my eyes
but Lord i do realize....
that i have been called
to do well
and not fail
but please tell
yeah will i ever walk through the door?
by myself
with Your Breath
pushing me forth
the course
of action
yeah i crave...
human satisfaction

Saturday, November 23, 2019


man some friendships can be so hard
guard is down
you feel like a clown
and your heart is sore
but you want more
yeah love and war
i guess
yeah a stress
and a blessing
yeah a.k.a. a life lesson learned
as the world turns
and my heart burns
for more friendships
to slip into my soul
yeah because it's so cold
in this mold alone
yeah i try to be strong
but it feels so wrong
to want to belong
to something
that often times
treat me like i'm nothing
or not normal
yeah just because my caramel skin
is considered disable....
i still can be a real friend
and would like one too


life is one big slow dance
yeah even if there's no romance
in sight
yeah like i would like
yeah i would love to take a bite
out of an heart-shaped apple crepe
yeah i crave for a date
to be in fate
yeah i crave for mate
who thinks i'm great
yeah even in this physical stake
i am his cake
and ice cream
yeah i am his queen
among other things
yeah i am his dream
that screams
may i have this dance?
will you give me chance?
to woo you
until our days are through
on Earth
yeah you are the reason
for my birth
and hunger
yeah you are the reason...
for my wonder


man, i wanna walk down the hall with no walk
yeah i don't want a stalker
i want a boyfriend
or a husband
yeah i want a romantic kin
yeah no pretend
or no sin
when you are related to him
yeah he can swim in your ocean
and rub your body with lotion
with no guilt
or no need...
for any underwear under his kilt
yeah my tall glass of milk
feels just like silk-sheets
yeah i feel complete
and weak
at the same time
yeah 'cause this man's love....
is all mine
and so the sun shines
yeah even at night
all is right
in my sight
and my might
is perfect
yeah and all of the pain
and the eye-rain
that i have been through ....
has been worth it
yeah 'cause now i'm here
with a child and you

Friday, November 22, 2019


love #3
come and love me
exclusively today
and stay
yeah no horseplay
or divorce
yeah let me be your life course
or your wife
yeah your sugar and spice
and everything nice
on a spoon
yeah please make room
for me in your balloon
or your cocoon
yeah morning, noon, and night
yeah please hold me tight
and tell me that everything gonna be alright
yeah even if you're not sure
make me feel secure
and sexy
yeah let me cry
out of my eyes
until i'm still
or realize
has my back
and in-fact
it's romantic too
man, i love you boo
who every you are
and pray to God...
that you're not far

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


oh lordly
this is my last Wednesday being 40
but what does that really mean?
will i start living life like a queen?
yeah with no one being mean?
well, i guess i will just have to see
yeah, because only God has the key
to my new reality
yeah my Thursdays
and beyond
yeah my many moons
and suns to come
yeah my days are already done
so will i run in year 41
man, i hope so
but you know....
i would be just as happy as pappy
seeing his first'child being born
just to walk on my own
yeah i pray that my legs will get strong
and stay that way for a very long time
yeah like fine wine
to my mind
yeah let's toast
to growth


man i wonder how long i will be under thunder
yeah i wonder how long my desires will burn in the fire
yeah i wanna be higher
but i feel as low as flo''
and i can't seem to be able to find a doorway out
so i shout
in my poetry
a.k.a. my closest friend
yeah next to my skin
the wind
and my tears
yeah how many more years will my fears of loneliness
will cause me unrest
yeah when will i pass the test
i guess, when i die
bur man, i still wanna cry
because i am alone
yeah there's no romance in my home
so yeah when things go wrong....
there's no shoulder
or no hand holder
to go to
yeah whenever i'm feelin' blue
i jus' do

Friday, November 8, 2019


with every single breath
we must be ourselves
yeah our unique personalities matter
like a bladder in the body
yeah being a hottie might be cool
but being a clone is wrong
or being a copycat is wack
yeah in fact...
our fingerprints...
proves that
yeah no ink can shrink
our link to The Lord
so don't be boring
no be brainstorming
yeah be true to you boo
and not to some crew
that doesn't see your clear view
or hear your sincere voice
yeah you might come off as some soft noise
instead of a good choice
voiced by God
yeah life is hard
but we were all set apart
to let our lights shine bright
yeah in a knight fight
or a war of sores

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


my first love
made me feel beautiful and safe "
my second love
made me feel sexy and normal
yeah and now this caramel girl
wants to feel all of that
in her third would country
yeah i wanna bounty of emotions
in my ocean
the third time around
yeah i want my spirit
to leave the ground
yeah because i have found that love is...
like a glove
yeah it keeps you warm
and helps you to perform better
man, this single weather is...
so cold to my soul
and i don't wanna die old
without Christ taking control
of my gold
yeah he must mold me a man
on this land
that fully understands
i can...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


i really wanna yell
but i'm in jail
yeah i just don't feel right
because i can't take flight
or go to places i like
by myself
but my breath still works
and my heart still hurts
because i'm in here
yeah in this body
in this apartment
and in this garment
of guilt
yeah i wish i was treated like silk
looked at as pretty
not silly
yeah not looked at....
as a burden
stuck behind a curtain
or bars that look like walls
and bathroom stall....
that look like long halls
because i need help to go
oh no
i just told something so true to you
but i don't feel blue
no, in fact i feel very free
yeah listen to me
poetry is the key
that unlocks me
from this wheelchair
i swear

Monday, October 21, 2019

1 P.M.

to openly hold your hand
i don't know if it is God's plan
but i do understand
that it is what i want
yeah even if i don't
get to
be with you
in the blue
sunny sun
yeah because i know that you are the one
yeah not just the one
that i have done some fun stuff with
yeah you lit a switch in me
that oooowee
i wouldn't care if the whole world see
yeah seriously
i am into you
through and through
yeah i wanna bask in your view
like all is new
but also familiar
yeah you are like sliver
yeah raw, fair and strong
yeah right or wrong
you belong
in my life
i swear

2 A.M.

i hear thunder and lightening
it's kinda exciting
but i wanna go back to sleep
yeah i wanna go deep
so i can reach for God
in my dreams
yeah if i start to scream
yeah i mean, i want my daddy
that had me
on his mind
a longtime ago
yeah my blood-flow
he so knows
all of my grows
and woes
but i still pose
this question
why such an early lesson?
yeah 2 a.m.
the sky is still dim
and i can't take a midnight swim
because it's to cold
and i'm disable
so Father please help me understand
your insomnia plan
so i can...
go back to sleep
yeah "this sheep" can't count itself

Saturday, October 19, 2019


so as i sit here in this chair
i think about how life isn't fair
but i still care
and will to make things better
yeah in this crazy weather
i will never give up
or just leave it up to luck
no because the Lord knows just where to go
yeah and how to make me grow
beautiful ans patient
yeah wise and ancient
or really old
and more precious than gold
yeah, and that really warms my soul
yeah i feel whole
not being in control
of everything
this is happening
yeah even in my tears
of frustration and fears
I trust God with the rest of my years

Friday, October 18, 2019


my flesh is so much more than sex
my flesh is so much more than my feelings
dealing with a disability
that is not my fault
yeah my cerebral got caught
in a bag of tricks and treats
yeah some pretty sweet meat
that will bleed for real
if you cut deep
yeah i can't sleep
thinking about that
but i can't take my life back
because Christ picked up my slack
yeah before i was even born
yeah he was fully warm
and ready to perform on the cross
yeah he did it to save the lost
yeah the weak
yeah the so called freak
that wasn't so neat
and clean
but yet he saw a queen
on a very mean and scary Friday
i must say

Monday, October 14, 2019


man, sometimes i sob
because i feel like i have robbed
yeah robbed of my rights
and God's light
but guess what?
that's just my natural eyesight
playing a sick joke on me
yeah because God is love
and sees supernaturally better
so no kind of weather
can block his view
of me and you
but to boohoo is fine
yeah get it off your mind
and out of your heart
yeah so doubt cam depart
and your guard
can soften
more often
yeah because once a coffin
is in front
of what we want
it's all over

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


my flesh loves to yell
so hell, here i come
i can't run from you
yeah even if i wanted to
so what's a girl to do?
sit still?
and do God's Will?
or take a pill
and hope that things will change?
in this place called "my body"
but it not just about being naughty
yeah, it's more about me being human
and me just thinking about doing
with someone
whom which
i have done something with
but i want more
and that door is close
i suppose?
but my thoughts
are still growing
like a rose
that will pose
at the place
where i will rest
i guess?

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


i am a goldsmith
yeah i am a goldmine
yeah i an considered
the pick of the litter
yeah very fine wine
from the vine of virtue
yeah i was born to help
not hurt you
yeah my view is beautiful
from head to toe
yeah from the ceiling
to the flo'
and did you know?
that my spirit glows
and can fly very high
yeah without actually...
touching the sky
but by and by
i will try
yeah until i die
on this earth
yeah i have...
so much worth
and wonder
but with God's help...
i will never go under

Sunday, October 6, 2019


hay lady
i would never leave your side
that would be crazy
because i love you woman
and you're supposed to be my bride
and baby momma
with no drama
yeah so come here caramel skin
and be my best friend
to the end of earth
yeah because i know your birth
had worth
the first day i met you
yeah i couldn't forget you
yeah because the way you talk
made me feel like i could fly like a real hawk
and i don't care that you can't walk
yeah i swear i don't
but if you want to...
i'll help you
yeah i'll help you crawl
yeah i help you do it all
if need
yeah you can honestly
lean on me, queen
yeah these are things
i would love to hear
on my ear

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


hey Alpha
hey Omega
i am open
to something greater
yeah every conversation that i have
i know that i must grab
some wisdom and some laughs
on Your behalf
yeah my life
is Your rice and beans
and You are King crab
fresh from the sea
and satisfy me totally
i'm not hungry
or lonely
whenever we are together
so please don't ever leave me
yeah keep on feeding me
and helping me see
who and what i'm suppose to be
in the earthly
and supernatural too
yeah i trust you


man, my hip is still hurts
on the left-side
but my poetry has no pride
but i'm sure you can tell
yeah it feels like nails
were shoved in my skin
when i wasn't looking
and went all the way in my bone
yeah it feels so wrong
but my tone
must remain the same
yeah even though my frame is...
in so much pain
i'm still here
yeah despite my inner tears
tomorrow will come
and the sun will shine
yeah even if my pain remains
God will gain
something out of this
pure pain
i'm sure


okay so you breath
wants to time with someone else
and oh how that hurts
but i know that God is still at work
in our lives
and i do want you thrive
but i really do miss you in my hive
yeah you by my side makes sense
yeah i feel like it's no accident
but still somehow we went
our separate ways
or you left me
to be
whatever you are
wherever you are
with whoever you be with
and sh_t
that really stings
my queen
but above all things
i love you my friend
and i pray that one day
that we will hangout


Father, i forgive them
for not wanting to be
unified with me
yeah down to ride
by my side
yeah do or die
yeah cry or fly
but man
i guess i never
forgave them
yeah because my body killing me
or should i say really aching
yeah my bones feel like they're breaking
and maybe that's because i have internally frowning
on my so called that cast me to wind
and un-forgiveness is a sin
and obviously a pain
to one's veins
or insides
so don't hide
and shallow your pride
and go tell someone that hurt you
that you truly do wish them well


God, please lessen pain
yeah please stop my inner rain
yeah because my outer frame is tired of faking
and my heart is breaking
from the a waking
of really no sleep
for weeks
or maybe years
man, my tears and fears
are really clouding my judgement
yeah because sometimes...
i wish i wasn't
but damn here i am
feeling like some pressed ham
dealing with all the dilemma
yeah in my core
yeah in my center
i was born to be winner
but i feel like a real loser
so Father please help
in depth
because i too wept
in Jesus's name


my body hurts
but i still have to work
the will of God's word
yeah i am his bird
and he is my sky
yeah we both stay high
no lie
just look up
and listen long
yeah both of our voices
are strong
but don't get me wrong
his is much stronger
and his touch is more tender
yeah he is breakfast, lunch, and dinner
but we are both winners

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


man, i don't understand pain
i don't understand rain
i don't understand shame
life is not a game
yeah it's as serious as the disable fame
or the negative label
that others put on my time table
man, i'm able to do a lot things
dispute my broken wings
i should be treated like female king \
yeah dispute my needs
i can still feed your soul
yeah damn i am human gold

Saturday, September 28, 2019


man, please grieve hard
when i part
from this world
yeah please miss your girl
diamonds and pearls
yeah really care
about where i am at
and the fact that...
i'n not coming
yeah Earth is wack
compared to Heaven
yeah no more 24/7
and i'm still alive
just in another form
yeah i'm fully warm
with no harm
or no storms
yeah just sincerity
and clarity
in the sky
so "hi"
or should i say "bye bye"

Friday, September 27, 2019


man, why does my heart keep on racing?
and chasing the title of girlfriend or wife?
yeah why does my heart hurt like a knife cut to the butt?
just because a guy won't show me any love
yeah where are my hugs?
where are my back rubs?
yeah where are my romantic dinners?
with a human sinner
or a not so perfect partner
yeah i yearn to be more than just an author

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


adam and eve
breathed, believed, and grieved
all in the same day
but not in the same way
okay let me explain
they both felt pain
they both felt shame
but when the king reigned down
on the ground
their wombs changed
their tombs
yeah life was strange
and dangerous
yeah because of the broken trust...
of us
yeah get on the bus
or boat
yeah sadly this is the life
we wrote
not Christ
yeah if so, why would he sacrifice?
and live twice
yeah he cried and died
so we can live nicer

Monday, September 23, 2019


so here lies monique
she was sweet
she was deep
and o how her flesh
wanted to creep
but no one wanted to sleep
with her
as it were
her disability
caused such a pause
or a blur
yeah sadly many were blind
to her beautiful mind
and her kind heart
yeah all because of her weak body part
or her rough start in like
she was still really nice with spice
but now she's in paradise
with no second guessing
or stressing
and that's a blessing
in disguise
but i do apologize
to her
because when she was here
i never held her near
or told her she was dear
to me
and now wow,
she's a used to be


brings on frustration
and frustration brings on rage
but i that rage and put it on a page
and that page becomes a stage
for poetry
or like a tv
for my reality-
but please know
that God is so in me
yeah if i sound friendly
that's him
yeah even if my heart
feels real dim or dark
he still wants my words swim
or fly like birds
but i feels like such a nerd sometimes
talking in rhyme
yeah when i'm not feelin' so fine
in the inside
so i jus' ride wit' it
and i hope that y'all get it


i'm as human as the next guy
but why?
yeah why must i lie?
and cry?
and hurt?
yeah feel like dirt?
and go berserk?
yeah slowly but surely
and insecurely
yeah day after day
and night after night
i fight
to do right
but in hindsight
i do wrong
yeah same ol' song
yeah human headstrong
so again, wrong tune
because i'm trying to belong
to a club
that is crazy
and lazy
on a daily
but maybe
my savior
will save me
from my body
one day

Sunday, September 22, 2019


do you know me?
yeah you knew me
before i knew myself
yeah before i had breath
or bruises
yeah before i had losses
or loses
choices or chooses
yeah because you see...
you gave it all to me
yeah you had no greed
because you saw a need
that was greater
yeah now and later
you help the haters
and those who weep deep
in their sleep
yeah you keep
kings and queens
in their dreams
yeah despite their screams
you brought and bring
a reason to sing
before the ring
or should i say....
before judgement day

Saturday, September 21, 2019


so the sun is shinning
on God's timing
but i'm stuck inside
writing about it
yeah i can't live without it
yeah the giving of myself.i mean
yeah the in between
of my hopes and dreams
and streams of sadness
yeah i'm searching for gladness
in my hurt
yeah my feelings are dirt
and my poems...
are like flowers
that have been tended to
for hours and hours
yeah along with some serious solar power
and rain showers
a.k.a. tears, fears, and root bears


man demons keep on showing up in my dreams
yeah causing me to scream in silence
man i hate violence
yeah because i love God
so resisting should be hard me
yeah because there are some sins
i do like
and have taken a big-o-bite
yeah despite my love
for the one up above
yeah the one who made...
doves and daughters
or crows and sons
but i'm no nun
and i have had fun
yeah despite not being able to run
like a con
but i wanna put a bun
on my hamburger
but i need a miracle-worker
or some speed
yeah so i can at least...
walk away form my greed

Friday, September 20, 2019


the night-time
is fine
to the blind-date
but for those who are forced to wait
it's pure hate
on a plate
yeah i'm searching for the heavenly-grate
because i'm hurting
and nothing seems to working
but my dreams still scream
from my soul
yeah the single-life
is very cold
but for God's sake
my heartbreak makes for a very strong mold
yeah for these very long nights
that i don't really like
but here i am, damn
feeling slammed
and a ham
because i'm not on a kiss-cam
with anyone
because sadly i can't walk
or run
on my own
and man, that's so wrong
on all tones
'cause i don't wanna be at home
at night
unless someone is...
romantically holding me tight


why don't people love publicly?
like they do behind closed doors
or am i wrong for wanting more?
yeah am i wrong for wanting to soar?
on the floor
with the one i love
yeah i wanna fly
with a guy
in the sky
like doves
or be like hands
in gloves
yeah united
and excited
to be invited
to the city of....
couple love
yeah where
there are...
kisses and hugs
and rubs with romance
yeah like s slow dance
in the dark
or a heart to heart
in the bed
yeah sharing real thoughts
from head
while being led
by God
yeah the real reason
for pleasing
on this planet
and taking nothing
for grated
yeah especially not each other


man, what's in a kiss?
and what's in a hug?
yeah i so wanna know
from my head to my toe
yeah i wanna feel
something real
in the still of the night
or in the brightness of the sunlight
on my face
yeah i so wanna taste grace
before i leave this place
and people grieve over me
yeah i wanna love freely
yeah like a fish in the sea
or like teenagers in a tree-house
yeah i yearn for a spouse
but i need to be a girlfriend first
yeah i need to quench my thirst
like a verse
to a song
an i wrong?

Thursday, September 19, 2019


nothing can justify
what you did
in front of me
when i was a kid
yeah because now
i see it all of the tine
yeah i wish i was blind
but then again
my dreams
sill make me scream
and break my heart
yeah i wish i could just start
yeah over the river
and through the woods
to grandmother's house i go
yeah oh how i miss her so
but i know she knows what you did
yeah because after all...
you are her kid
and she's in heaven
so she's saw
what you did
to my mom's jaw
and then some
and she also saw
how neither one of us
could run
from her son
but it's done
but i'm not well

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


man can
come in
many colors
yeah and
i love
all of my colorful brothers
yeah they all could be my...
yeah you think about it
or hue think about it
yeah i see s beautiful rainbow
that flows
and grows
into a big pot of gold
yeah a soul
reflects lights
and is a dispersion of water
so then walks in God's daughter
yeah a womb so great
that it can't wait to produce
yeah to makes some kin
that is rare
but is fair
to atmosphere
yeah humans make this world
sunny and clear
so please stay here

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


thank you God for the favored that you sent my way today
yeah that's the only thing i should say
as i again pray for more
open doors
and bird soars
yeah my core is sore
from crying out
so thank you Father
for hearing my shouts
my doubts
my dreams
and my screams
yeah that's means everything to me
that you see
and that you care
and that you are not going anywhere
yeah your spirit is flowing in mine
yeah that's the reason i really rhyme
or shine
yeah you are so kind
yeah king
your wings
are so wide
thank you
for letting come inside
to hide
yeah what a ride
so far
yeah like a shooting star


man, i wish a lot of things
yeah some y'all know about
and some only God can shout
but have no doubt
i do wish them to come true
yeah especially when...
i see no friends
and i'm feeling blue
and green
yeah my dreams
love to scream
like a mean
trapped in an unfair
but no one seems to care
yeah i swear
that the air
is covered in my unique prayers
yeah the wind...
is my friend
and my talk....
is my walk
among the stars
yeah who needs cars?
when you have a voice
and choose to speak...

Monday, September 16, 2019


i see a man
holding my hand
and then i see kids
look what God did
i'm dreaming
for a reason
yeah no teasing
and it's pleasing
to my insides
yeah to go...
on a fantasy ride
yeah all pride aside
nothing to hide
no it's just me
and all i see
yeah all i want
and hope to be
yeah God gave me the key
to ecstasy
yeah before i exit
yeah make my birth
after i'm gone
yeah make my l spirit live
and give off positive energy
yeah after my loss

HUMAN 24/7

we were not born
to be normal
or to be
all caramel
no that's lie told
by the old
but thankfully
i souls know
the truth
and our skins are...
the proof
that no one should ever be in a noose
yeah we should all be...
as loose as goose
yeah in the sense of Prince
creative and cool
and if others...
call you a fool
or a freak
don't water yourself down
or become weak
no go deep
be sweet
with your beat
and you feet
yeah because we were all meant to be...
a treat to this world
yeah every boy
and every girl
yeah every man
and woman
are something

EARTH 24/7

livin' on the edge
yeah out on a ledge
tryin' to make some
and hopin' not to end up dead
at the time
yeah no crime
jus' pure grind
of the mind
and heart
yeah part by PART
assemble assemble
yeah like Jack be nimble
yeah i hear cymbals
loud and clear
yeah God is here
yeah even in seasons of fear
and in the pillow of tears
that lingers in your fingers
but at least...
you're life
yeah even if not still
your will is to win
yeah without havin' to pretend
yeah and along the way
in the gray
you might make a friend
before you see the light
of eternal goodnight


i was born breathe
for eternity
but live for a moment
so i guess i will own it
yeah until i get evicted
yeah one day my spirit
will get lifted up
like a paper-cup
yeah high in the sky
to stay with a guy
named God
who sees no shame
or no blame
or no pain
yeah my frame
is perfect to him
yeah my soul is whole
and my tears are...
finally under control
yeah after all these years on earth
my birth thirst for more
yeah an open door
next to shore
of core
yeah a.k.a Christ
yeah i'm in paradise

Sunday, September 15, 2019


God is a hybrid
fully man
fully woman
fully super
yeah fully something
of a saint
yeah the fish
and the tank
yeah the money
and the bank
the franks
to the feast
the joy
and the peace
to a good time
yeah the water
and the wine
the sight to the blind
the light to the dark
the beat and the heart
yeah God is smart
in more ways than one
yeah God made the moon
and the sun
and the ability
to walk
and run
so well done
i say
to the potter
and the clay
yeah the will
and the still
of trillions

Saturday, September 14, 2019


why do i
want love
when love
does't want me
and why do i
wanna climb that tree outside
and why do i yearn to be a bride
because i'm human
and that's what humans are doing
yeah movin' to the beat of their own drum
and i want some
yeah i walk and run
laugh and have fun
yeah from dusk to dawn
or from sunlight
to moon-night
let's fly a kite
or rent a boat
yeah let's swim
or float
with life-coat
yeah let's sing a perfect note
because that's what humans do


so the sky is cloudy
but even if it was sunny
my heart would still feel funny
yeah because, i miss you my love
yeah i see doves
but no one is dead
i just miss you so much, in my head
yeah i wish i could just lay in bed
all day
and sleep it away
but hey
what can i say?
you're in my dreams too
so what's a girl to do
but boohoo in silence
yeah no violence
just pain
and rain in eyes
but surprise...
you don't care
yeah, you're nowhere
to be found
so i feel like a real clown

Friday, September 13, 2019


there is some residue
still left of you
in my heart
just enough start
up again
my friend
if you're liatenin'
or readin' this
how 'bout a kiss?
'cause i miss you
man, i'm so tired of tissue
'cause they jus' can't hold my tears
and the years of me missin' you
in my eye-view'
but you act like you have no clue
'bout what you do to me
yeah you fine
you not blind
so i know you see
what we could be
'cause you know what we were
so jus' concur


years ago
i so
yeah almost was
an idol
or an angel
yeah my soul
was so...
with thoughts
of "my fault"
or "my bad choices"
yeah there were so many...
negative noises
or negative voices
yeah until my niece
and all my pain
turned into peace
yeah joyful tears
were released
and my grieve
just drowned
yeah i felt like...
i had been reborn
or had been found
"this clown"
had a real reason...
for cheesin'
or to smile
yeah because
of a love
for a child
and her brother
who came four years later
and then their cousins
who made my life even greater

Thursday, September 12, 2019


my first crush
laughed at me
but i learned how to write
and that set me free
yeah poetry is the key
that opens me
yeah it's the whole in my soul
that is in total control
of the thoughts
that get caught
up in my head
and in my heart
man i so want to be apart of something...
before i leave...
this planet
grieving for my goodness
that God blessed me with
yeah hear my pitch
before i sew a stitch
or before God fixes the glitch
which make me break
and makes me human
or makes me ruin


40 years is a long time
to be disable
yeah 40 years is a long tine
not to see the sunshine
or am i blind?
or have i been con?
yeah why can't walk, talk, or run?
like everyone else
yeah what's wrong with my breath?
man, being disable feels like a death
that happens everyday
Lord, why was i born this?
it can't just be for better wordplay
yeah because i have seen you work dirt
and it didn't hurt
like this does
so Father tell me what that was
back in the day
yeah when you were THE POTTER
and they were the clay
yeah may it be like that again?
yeah where there was no sin
and skin was everywhere in the wind
yeah no Lion's den
just Adam & Eve
to believe
that all can be achieved
by man


man, i really don't understand
at all
yeah i see myself rise
i see myself fall
i see myself turn
i feel my heart burn
and i question everything
i have learned
yeah up to this point
yeah because i feel it in every single joint
yeah i get tingles
but then they turn into shingles when wind
hits the spin
and i'm back at square-one
yeah with no home-run
so no fun
was really done
in the sun

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Father, here i stand
in ah amazed
i told you praise
thank you for all of my days
i told you praise

yeah i said i'll neva leave
even when i grieve
i told you praise

yeah others come and go
but i know fo' sho'
i told you praise

Father i love you
put no one above you
i told you praise

yeah sickness may come
but i will not run
i told you praise

yeah even through storm
you kept me from harm
i told you praise

yeah even when my friends
blow like the wind
i told you praise

yeah even when my life-mate
says "cursed THE GREAT"
i told you praise

i will worship your word
i will worship your word
yeah eyes haven't seen
and ears haven't heard
i will worship your word


man, these last 18 years rough
yeah these last 18 years have been rough
yeah tears flow
because people had to go
yeah for reasons i still don't know
yeah that season was crazy
and it lasted daily
yeah, it happened to me
but it was just something i saw on my tv
that really happened
yeah where was The Captain?
i wondered
yeah bloody thunder
no words
no breath
just death
and people left
by themselves
or so it seems
since they lost their dreams
of whatever together
yeah i will never forget that day
and the way i felt
yeah because i wept in depth
yeah quiet as it's kept
i'm human
and what are doing
or did
effected this grown kid

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


memo to self
when your eyes cry
from your breath
about a love one's death
it's real
yeah your soul just can't sit still
about the way you feel today
about Grandma Gaynell
man, i wish i had a wishing-well
to bring her
because the fact that i didn't really get to her
or show her....
who i grow to be...
really bother me...
oooowee, i wish i had a key
to heaven
yeah because i been without her
since i was 7
and now i'm 40
and feeling blue
for things i never knew
or got a chance to do
with her
yeah seeing as though...
we were living in another state
and her body wasn't doing so great
yeah i hate that she died
and she's not by my side
but she is in my heart
and in my tears
after all these years


sadness just came in
and set down like old friend
or like a kin member
but i don't wanna remember
feeling this way today
yeah i wish i could go outside and play
yeah go outside of myself
yeah go outside of my breath
and just fly around
because i hate feeling so down
yeah i just wanna smile
like a child
and leave to wild world behind
but it's not my time to shine
in Heaven
wow, tomorrow is the anniversary of 9/11
so much death
so many breaths taken
the wrong way
yeah hearts were broken
black and gray
yeah like i was today
but for i cannot say
but anyway,sadness did not stay
for long
yeah it just left my heart-home


i can't run
or walk by myself
but i do breath
and a left hand
to write out God's plan
on this land
of dirt and sand
a.k.a man and woman
yeah i was born to do something
for someone
yeah before Jesus comes back
yeah the truth and fact
yeah no slack in my pants
let's moves, let's dance
let's take a chance
and stance
of love
and tolerance
yeah no offence
to the tense
and no fence
or walls
yeah just bridges
and halls
yeah wide
and side by side
yeah let's ride

Monday, September 9, 2019

9:28 P.M.

i wanna sleep well
so let me tell my self a story
and give God the glory
for letting live some more breaths
yeah i didn't see death fall on me
so i'm happy
and a little sappy
because my heavenly pappy
loves me life a dove
or a sparrow
yeah i still have the will of marrow
in my bones
as no i'm not alone
yeah i'm strong
like a clone
of Christ
yeah i still have real spice
how nice is this?
yeah i have been kissed
by the mister
yeah by the fixer
of faith
and grace
yeah i can almost taste
the pillow on my face
so good night
sleep tight


gone to soon
like a balloon
in the air
where are you now?
i do care
yeah i care
you're whereabouts
but i have no doubt
that you are happy
to shout
that the clout
is the route
you should take
for heartbreak
to heal
so be still
yeah because
love is real
yeah so is death
and breath
so no self
yeah it's us
and trust
yeah so soar
into the open door

Sunday, September 8, 2019


man, i'm such a dreamer
yeah give me the coffee and creamer
and then some
yeah lets walk and run
towards the sun
yeah a little heat
is fun
no i'm not talking about a gum
i'm no con
just a female version of son
yeah it is written
it is done
so why have fun?
well My Father said that i could
yeah he said my life would be good
yeah even when it's not fully understood
or clear
he's always near
and narrow
and he watches over me
his sparrow
yeah his bow and arrow
on earth
yeah where my birth
was first his thirst
or his thought
that got caught
in this abyss
or put the love list
that does exit
yeah man what a plan
what a space-kiss


i see the view
of my nephews
and nieces
and i study God's thesis
yeah it's crazy
but i do believe
that my needs will get met
if i just let...
yeah let the blood....
from head to toe
so flowers can grow...
and strong
yeah to live long
and prosper
yeah maybe they will win...
an Oscar
or an Emmy
yeah i see many
in their view
or in their reach
but what i really look forward to...
is their speech
yeah they could...
but it's more important...
that teach
about love and not war
i hope they open some doors
by sharing their core

Saturday, September 7, 2019


i take a deep breath
yeah like it's the last left
in me
yeah because it just might be
because you see
i didn't breath in me
God did
yeah he birthed the kid
from a rib
put some sauce on me
and then gave me a bib
yeah my skin became my closest friend
yeah when i couldn't even run
to have fun
in the sun
and in the dark
and he put the beat in my heart
so no i can't part
with my breath
by myself
yeah my death
is on a shelf
that i can't reach
so yeah father preach
on the beach of paradise
take my life
and make it nice
with spice


never pause
for a cause
that you're truly concerned about
yeah push through your doubts
or work them out
yeah use your clout
or your shout
to win the war
or open the door
for more
to be released
or for more love
to be thought of
yeah be the glove
to the hand
of the man
who really needs it
more than you do
yeah be true
like glue
and stick it out
like a waterspout
yeah stay wet
and don't let
yeah no matter what
yeah butt to butt
and back to back
do not slack
or Take any smack


i can walk in my dreams
yeah with no help from a friend
so Father when i get to try?
that in real-life
yeah without looking back
or going to sleep
yeah my soul weeps
about the secrets you keep
about my legs and feet
moving to the beat of my heart
yeah i don't want to depart
from my dreams
or the screams
from my soul
yeah yearn for my turn
i yearn to be whole
and in control
of my cerebral
yeah i don't want to need
for speed
yeah Father please
read my lips
and unlock my hips
so i can dip
into the divine
at least seven times


don't fake it
and my heart
don't break it
yeah if you like what i'm doing
don't ruin it
by your silence
because my mind is in love
with sounds from above
yeah when you speak
i get weak
but dream deep
yeah screams have meaning to me
so set them free if need be
yeah let me be the key
to your door
for more
yeah let me be
the love to your war
or the ceiling
to floor
but if you're not sure
say so
and if you are
let me know
or let me go
yeah so
this too
shall pass


the word can't should never be a thing
yeah i should always be able flap my wings
like a queen bird
yeah my words should always be heard
well at least by God, if no else
yeah because he is the one, who gave me breath
not death
and gave me a brain
not pain
yeah gave me legs
not pegs
bur i do need to be led
and fed
by him
yeah so when i swim
i don't sink
yeah because God doesn't think
the way i think
or blink the way i blink
but my should still...
get on the rink
or in the ring
yeah blackbirds
should always sing

Friday, September 6, 2019


man, i just wanna be heard
i just wanna be kissed
i just wanna be missed
yeah i just wanna be this
yeah whatever this is
that i'm feeling inside
yeah while i'm on this earthly-ride
yeah i drop my aside
yeah no longer do i hide
my hurts
and my dirt
my tears
and my fears
yeah years of yesterdays grazed
my heart
and i eventually fell apart
and opened up
yeah like a flower
after a rain shower
yeah pain power
after hours of no love
yeah i'm 40
and still no wedding doves
or no master-bedroom bedding
on a king-size
yeah i still rest my head
yeah right or wrong
my vulnerability
is so strong

Thursday, September 5, 2019


man,i hope i live to see 41
and beyond
and i hope that i get to walk and run
yeah i wanna fly like a hawk
yeah lord, since you bought me with your blood
and washed me with a great flood
yeah and now i'm a beautiful rose bud
yeah water and mud...
can be a great thing
yeah because it can bring
you a reason to sing
to a king
with invisible wings
while on earth
yeah every birth
is a blessing
yeah because it is a lesson
yeah even with the stressing
every season
has a reason
to shine
or enrich our minds
or sight the blind
and all kinds of unloved
or so it seems
yeah it's okay to dream
and screams
yeah because it all has meaning
yeah even more than we know
and that's why i wanna continue to grow


man, if i wasn't writer
or an exciter
i would be dead
yeah an overdose to the head
because love is not getting fed unto obviously
or i just can't see how blessed i be
but thanks to writing
i'm still here
with a will to trill
yeah based on how i feel
and the grace i have been given
yeah i'm living
because of the lord
so yeah i can't afford
to be bored
with my life
no, not after...
what Jesus sacrificed
yeah he left paradise
and lived poor
yeah so i could be good
and have more
than i deserved
and so my nerves
should be working
yeah even when i'm hurting
and my friends are blowing in the wind
and man, even my sin
is used as good news '
so why should i sing the blues?
or bring my heartbeat down
because i once was lost
but now i am found

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


in a perfect world
i'm that girl
that no man wants to leave
and every man wants to please
on their knees
no i'm not a tease
but i am a flirt
that has been hurt
but i do want to be in a relationship
that works
yeah put us in the dirt
and watch us grow
or put us in water
and watch us flow
or float
in a love boat
so rare and fair
and why?
'cause me and my guy
both care
about where we are going
and who is really all knowing
when the wind is really blowing
in every direction
but we must not forget affection
or protection of our hearts
yeah from the start
our God guard
must be...
and pure
yeah whatever that means
yeah even in the in between
kings and queens
my spirit will sing
with whoever my Savior


i try
not to lie
to myself
or others
but my breath
is human
and my flesh be doing the most
and my heart goes blinds
and my mind goes blank
yeah sometimes i don't thank
or respect the higher rank
and then i blink
and sink
in sin
yeah i feel the wind
against my skin
and it feels really good
knock on wood
man, i hope God understood
why i did what i did
or said what i said
or eat that kind of bread
and liked it
yeah i biked it
up and down the coast
yeah like butter on toast
i like to ride
my bike outside


i see blood on my sheets
and blood in the streets
yeah both of which makes weep deep
yeah i pray that Christ keeps me safe
and lets me taste grace
like gravy on a biscuit
or some molasses
on my rose colored glasses
yeah my past shouldn't last
this long
but it was Eve
that really did wrong
yeah and now i sing grieving songs
and if i birth a child
wow, it's gonna hurt
but i am willing to work
in the dirt
and in the dark
yeah my heat
is apart
of something great
so i should just wait
on my due date

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


man, why should i be jealous
or over zealous
when mine is mine
and yours is yours
yeah open doors
and solid floors
with so more
in store
yeah no war
or keeping score
or weeping myself to sleep
yeah death is deep
but breaths are better
for earth's weather
so yeah we're stuck here together
but you in your lane
and i in mine
yeah taking up space
and taking our time
but our days are already divine
or set in stone
yeah right or wrong
yeah thanks to our heavenly home
where no phone are needed
and believers greeted
with open arms
yeah no lucky charms
or silly tryouts
no just a reasons to shout


i'm chasing God
he chasing me
we're both in love
we both are free
yeah no lock
or key
yeah we just be
with every breath left
yeah no death
to speak of
no just unconditional love
like a ball and glove
a tree and a root
a bowl and some fruit
our souls are whole
yeah we are in control
of the wind
and we are friends
to the end
yeah win or sin
no pretend
just some real deal fellowship
yeah as we take a sip of wine
straight from the vine of virtue
yeah no reason to hurt you
or me
or the rivers
and the seas
so thank you
and please
as we fall to our knees


the only killing we're suppose to do
is kindness
and the only way we're really suppose to see
is blindness
yeah don't be spineless
or mindless
yeah be mighty
and right
and always go towards the light
yeah like a kite going towards the stars
or cars driving to the great lakes
with no break
yeah driving straight through
looking at all that is new
and thinking about the old
in the cold winter
or in the hot summer
yeah you wonder
in the thunder
and dance in the rain
yeah feeling no pain
or shame
yeah all in the name
of Jesus
who loved
who gave
who saved
from the grave
yeah no more slave
or wars
yeah just open doors
and golden floors
yeah an even scores
or the final short
on the clock

Monday, September 2, 2019


so did i write the poem i was suppose to?
yeah did i touch you like lovers do
because that's what i meant
yeah that's why i was sent
like Clark Kent
in Superman
yeah did i do enough?
with my hand
yeah did i land your plan?
for man right
yeah did i shine a bright enough light?
for others to see your insight
yeah i try to be a good kite
yeah i try to take big bite
of your word
and let it fly like a unique bird
yeah because i heard
that faith with works is dread
and you can't live off of bread alone
so have i done anything wrong?
in this area
of stranger things
yeah father when i die
will i get my wings?


come on future
make me a wife
yeah put me in paradise
where everything is nice, twice
yeah spiced with joy
and dashed with pepper forever
yeah that's the weather
yeah me and husband together
yeah never leaving each other's side
yeah like Bonnie and Clyde
or Adam and Eve
yeah God's blood
is on our skin's sleeve
yeah so know
as the blow
and the stars glow
my eyes will always realize
that i'm blessed
by the best
yeah no contest
and no stress
as i rest
in my thoughts
and in between


man, my mind
is still grimy
yeah i can't seem to leave my lustful dreams
behind me
yeah Father find me
because i am lost
so please pay my cost
from the wind
yeah because i have sin
Lord, will this cycle....
ever end?
and will you still be my friend?
and my closest kin?
yeah even closer than my skin
or should i say....
my messy flesh?
yeah Big Brother...
will i still be blessed

Sunday, September 1, 2019


my last name
isn't my real frame
yeah i'm waiting for mane
to change it
yeah i want to be a queen
if you know what i mean
yeah i'm waiting
on my lion king
so my flesh is green
because i have seen
my dream
on someone else
and my breath
is dying on the shelf
or lying to my soul
and i feel real
yeah because no one told
that lack of love
can make you feel real
at the top
of a weeding cake
yeah please Lord
give me a break


come daughter
walk om water
trust your father
yeah come my way
you are my clay
forever and a day
January to May
June to the December
yeah i remember
what i made
yeah all the ground
i laid down
yeah i birthed heaven and earth
and then you
it's true
my thoughts
got caught
in light
and salt
and then i brought
the wind
in your lungs, hon
walk and run
into the sun
yeah until
i say
well done

Saturday, August 31, 2019


man, my soul wants to be in control
and hit every goal
that my spirit has set
but my body won't let me walk
or fly like a hawk
ans sometimes i wonder why God brought me here
yeah i'm still not clear
year after forty years
of tears
and fears
and a big taste of humble pie
yeah i can't lie
i have wanted to die
but God wanted me to breathe
yeah even when i didn't believe
in him
but swam
towards to dam
yeah like clam
or a canned ham
floating in water
but now i am his daughter
and that's cool
yeah even when...
i feel like a real fool
when so-called friends
wanna end our friendship
ans then i slip
into a called depression
but i still learn a valuable lesson
so i'm guessing...
that i do have some...
air-traffic- control


i smile
when my child is happy
i smile at thought of my mom and pappy
still being alive
and thrive on songs
that talk about gettin' on
yeah right or wrong
i smile
when people drive miles
to see me
yeah honestly i smile
because life is wild
and wow
yeah like...
wonder and thunder
letters and numbers
shapes and heartbreaks
yeah i take everything...
like winter and spring
and i sing like queen
and that brings
a reason
to be

Friday, August 30, 2019


A is for Amen
and B is for Blessed
And C is for i must Confess
that the Divine is the best
Elder Brother
and Friend
that a Girl could ever
Have In this world
Jesus Kind of Love
Mercy Me
Nobody can see all that he do
yeah because Obviously his Oath is the most
Priceless Quote that someone ever wrote
Yeah Sins blow into the wind
when the Savior Sacrificed his Skin
To Save a Slave like Us
Victory Was Win
Yeah Azusa Street Revival

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Mary was here name
and birthing Jesus was her pain
and her gain
at the same time
yeah she was so much more
than the subject of rhyme
yeah Mary was patient
Mary was kind
yeah because she birthed
sunshine first
yeah she birthed
the thirst
that quenched the worst
that has ever been done
Yeah Mary birthed a son
that ran into being a man
with a plan in his hand
yeah with a clear understanding
of his landing
yeah him and Mary...
faced their fears
yeah which led us to years
manna bread
communion blood
oh what a flood
of love
that was gave
and now i'm saved
yeah no slave
or no real grave
yeah because Mary...
did not act on her scary


sin hit me again
like the wind
in Chicago
yeah i can't believe i saw tomorrow
i mean today
yay, my lust got taken away
and i trust that i'll be okay
yeah even through gray
and black
yeah i don't won't go back
to the nights with no lights
and my heart feeling so lonely
with no hommies in sight
so i might take a bite
in me
but God still sees
and hears my please
in the morning
yeah, he gave me another to see
and to be
and still
and reflective
about my doubts
and my wrongs
that go on
in my home
and in my mind
yeah before the rhymes
and the sunshine

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


i must confess
that my flesh
so wants to be considered
with all the rest
of the walking blessed
yeah i want to considered
equal with the people
on this planet
yeah i wanna moonwalk
on granite
or put my feet
in some concrete
yeah i wanna walk down the aisle
to a prince with a really big smile
on his face
yeah i so wanna taste grace
before i finish my race
down here
yeah lets be clear
i wanna walk without fear
on my mine
yeah no more
being left behind
all of the time
or being left out
yeah i would dance
and shout
without any doubt
to speak about


i honor
the wonder
and the thunder
in me
yeah i honor
the lock and the key
yeah can see it in my poetry?
yeah can you smell it when i tell it?
straight from the well
of my heaven and hell
yeah a.k.a my life
but with every slice
my will still honors Christ
yeah his sacrifice
was priceless
and a real success
at its'best
yeah so i can rest
now and later
and so he loves me greater
or more
yeah just look at this open door
called poetry
which i write with all my might
and i see the light
in front of me
every-time i rhyme
yeah the sun shines
behind the moon
yeah the sky makes room
for my tune
but still i will honor God


i am God's daughter
and poetry is my alter
and i lay in down
raw and profound
yeah like a educated clown
yeah my emotions are not round
yeah they got some pointy and jointly edges
that desperately needs to be...
smoothed out
yeah i need to...
in the crowd
of Christ
but he is...
and he believes in...
or should i say...
second chance
and private dances
so yeah i can talk to him
when the lights are dim
or when i take a swim
or dive into an active be hive
yeah he is...
always there
yeah because he always...
about his squares

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


girl my heart is still real tender
yeah 'cause i still remember
from January to December
yeah times ten
yeah in my mind sista-friend
yeah together we are...
the beginning and the end
yeah the heat and the wind
of Arkansas
yeah my ma and your pa
are blood
so you and me
are the flood gates
to some fine real estate
so no hate
just some great...
yeah so come in


man, i'm tryin' shake my heartbreak
i guess it's gonna take awhile
before i really smile again
yeah because right now i have to pretend
that i have friends
and family that really care
about me
out here somewhere
yeah in the night air
but i jus' sit and stare
at the unfairness
that exist in my world
yeah this girl is hurt
this girl feels like dirt
yeah so i feel real...
yeah because i thought i had...
some kindred love
to speak of
and it's sad...
that obviously i was wrong
yeah because Saturday...
i was jus' sittin' at home


man, so many thoughts get caught in my cerebral
yeah like how many people i really do miss
and how much i yearn for a kiss
and does hell really exist
well, does it?
and if it does, who's going?
man. i wish it was snowing
yeah, have i lost mind
no, i feel just fine
i just remember the times
where the air was cold
but my soul was warm
and all the Christmas performance
were wonderful
so yeah you know,
my mind can go
yeah my blood can flow
from head to to
yeah sometimes i think...
that when i blink...
i glow..
yeah in the dark...
my heart...
is on start
to finish
yeah i'm on Venice Beach
yeah it's insane;...
how far my brain..
can reach
yeah preach
because, my love,
i'm in Arkansas
right now
and oooo child
i'm sum what wild
and crazy
but this lady
will make you laugh
on a daily


man it's insane
how pain
has framed my inside
yeah i can't seem to hide
bumpy ride
yeah my pride leaves
whenever i grieve
and the blood on my sleeve
turns in to a friend
or a lesson learn
yeah my soul won't burn
because i let my donuts out
yeah i turned on the waterspout
and let the paper get wet
by my words
yeah no birds crabbed
on my laptop
no i just let go
and painfully
yeah a.k.a. poetry
a.k.a. me

Monday, August 26, 2019


hey have you every felt lower than the floor?
yeah you know...
from head
to toe
yeah emotionally
you can't see
a fruitful tree
in sight
yeah no light
or no might
in your muscle
but yet you still hustle
not to die
for real
but you feel
and sleepy
yeah it's creepy
how deep one can slink
in a blink of an eye
yeah no lie
i cry
i don't feel
but i do feel
in my skin
yeah i would love
some friends
yeah before i see
flying over me

my jabbawockee journey

man, how different would my life be if i could walk?
or fly like a hawk
way different
i wreaking so
yeah because being disable
is so stressful
and lonely
but people who can walk
seem to have so many hommies
and dreams to come true
and i wan't that too
yeah i want a taller view
of what you see
and do
yeah i wanna be a jabbawockeez
yeah moving and grooving
to my song
yeah needing no physical help
and having no reason to weep
yeah in and out
of my sleep
yeah i wish i creep
in the streets
yeah that would be so neat
to not need
for my speed
but is waking a greed?
or a gift
well, whatever it is...
i'm really for shift
yeah in Jesus name
i;m tired of this pain
and being left our

DAY 238

hey god lets walk
yeah lets talk
in the garden of my mind
or better yet lets get wet
in the amazon
yeah daddy lets run
and have fun in the sun
yeah forever in the dawn
or in the kingdom
so pardon me
because now i see
that we are
in your mind
or we are....
swinging on your vine
or moving on your time
which is fine
and kind of cool
so savior...
school me
who shall i be?
what shall i say?
now and today

Sunday, August 25, 2019


go to sleep my sheep
i got you, boo
yeah i swear i do
yeah my word is true
and my view is clear
you hear me?
stay near me
yeah so you can hear my voice
but you do have a choice
to follow
be hollow
yeah to beg
or borrow
yeah to be head
or to led
yeah to be fed
by bread
or crow
but you know
my blood flows
through your veins
like candy-canes
at Christmas
yeah i am the vine
to your plant
and the reason
to your rant
and rave
but i do save

Friday, August 23, 2019


so it's dark
and my heart is alone
yeah come phone ring
yeah please make my heart sing
like everything is right with the world
yeah please God put a smile on your girl's face
yeah please Lord show me some grace
yeah Father please give me a taste of soul food
so i can live with a love
and i don't mean to be rude
but i do want a dude
that is a human reflection
of your affection
yeah your idea of blessing
yeah no more second guessing
do i need
so Savior, will you please pick of speed?
yeah because it's almost Saturday
and you know how crazy my insides usually get
so please Daddy, hit the switch
and give me light
yeah because i really don't like...
the night

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


crazy dreams
this queen
has had
some been good
but mostly sad
so why bother,Father?
going to sleep
when usually makes me weep
from a deep place in my soul
yeah where my whole body goes cold
but you are in control
of my vision
so i listen
for the meaning in between
so go green
yeah tell me everything
like a choir sings
yes please
i'm on my knees
in the dark
so please shine
a light on my mind
if you be so kind
before bedtime


hey black woman
tell me something
that i didn't know
yeah help me to grow
more grateful
about my skin
and what's within
yeah help me to see
the beauty
yeah the key
to my door
or the ceiling
to my floor
yeah the core
to my apple
yeah tell me why
or lie
about my
or my fears
for years
yeah from me
and this disability
that was given to me
way back in history
yeah which is wack
but a fact
that i can learn from
yeah even if i can't run
the sun and the sky
is not to high
for me to reach
yeah so black woman
don't preach
at this peach
a.k.a. me

Monday, August 19, 2019


man, this is my thought process
i wish i could think less
yeah i stress
about my breath
and my death
all of the time
yeah my mind
is on rewind
and fast forward
at the same time
so i'm not fine
but i'm not blind
to the fact
that my life
can be taken
just like that
yeah by man
or by Christ
but neither one
wouldn't be fun
no not at time
yeah, because i still have rhymes
that need to shine
yeah rather or not i see a dime
before i leave this world
but will people grieve?
whenever i do leave
yeah that is the real question
i am stressing about


hey words
come out
don't shout
but be real
or be still
like water
as you follow the father
down this narrow road of earth
yeah your breath can birth
life or death
love or hurt
yeah out of the dirt
can come plums or figs
yeah so if remove your lids
or flap your gums
into the sun
or run your mouth
in the south
yeah where everything said
by flapping your wings
and moving your head
to and fro
like "you know"
very expressive
like words should be
but spoken easily
if spoken at all


come, he said
pick up. he said
walk, he said
talk, he said
eat, this bread
drink, he said
wake, the dead
trust, he said
turn from lust, he said
forgive and live, he said
have faith, taste, and show grace
he said
again, take up your bed
and be a friend
talk to the mountains
talk to the wind
turn from sin
or repent
because you were sent
to love
to give
and to think...
and don't sink...
into depression
and learn from your lessons
and count your blessings
he said

Saturday, August 17, 2019


before i woke up
i didn't give know what
yeah i was suicidal
until my first niece's arrival
and plus i really reed the bible
and let go of false idols
and then that's when...
the sun shined
and the wind blew
yeah that's when i felt...
brand new
yeah skies are blue
in the best
yeah a new day came
with fresh rain
on my pain
and my shame
no more
open door
wood floor
velvet walls
and gold halls
yeah i've been called
by Christ
yeah he saved my life
more than twice
before i woke up


so here i sit on another dark night
so i guess i write as bright as the stars
or the moon
so yeah God please make room
for your human balloon
but i don't wanna see you soon
but i must say i do wanna see you one day
yeah no play
or no gray in my heat
yeah Daddy, let the clouds part
like the red sea
yeah i will take a knee
and then i will take key
yeah royalty
in blue
sitting next to you
like glue on paper
yeah i am your vapor
yeah i am your breath
come to life
yeah i am Christ's cousin
buzzing around Earth's town
trying not to get loss
since i been found
or started believing in you
so all things will appear new
yeah even in the night light

Friday, August 16, 2019


man, y'all don't understand
my desires are on fire
but they require help
and so weep
until i fall asleep sometimes
because just writing rhymes
makes me wanna lose my mine
because the outdoors seems so fine
and i just wanna go swing from a vine
or go jump in a river
but because of my wheelchair
i just can't go there
and that feel real
yeah like waiting for a date
that never shows
yeah that really blows
because i didn't choose
to spread the good news way
but i must say
my wordplay is better than okay
because my heart is a little gray
on this friday
yeah a day i wish
that i could get a kiss
and feel some type of bliss
yeah instead of being dis-


God i can't trust nobody but you
but i to
and look what they do
make me feel blue
and make my eyes eyes cry
with their lies
and don't apologize
or care
that they were so unfair
and unaware
of the real deal
of my daily life
but Christ you know
so why should i worry?
or ask you to hurry
my heaven on
just because people have done me wrong
in my home
man, did you wrong too
but what did you do?
blessed them with something new
so Father God, please send me
only the true friendly
and stronger glue

Thursday, August 15, 2019


once again
i crave love
once again
i see doves
in future endeavors
but today i weather the storm of loneliness
or maybe this is just a test
of my patience
yes, that must be it
but how do i switch?
my mind from craving
to just waiting
yeah waiting to be somebody's girl
and then for my body to bring s little somebody into this world
yeah this world of mine
yeah,come on Divine
please send me friend that's fine
and kind
the grew from Your Vine
or was made by Your Wine
yes Lord, please let me drink
and think
yeah no war
only love
and doves
and a diamond wedding ring
and a real-life lion king to hold
yes Father please bless my soul before i grow old
in Jesus name

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


God is the only one who can really give a man a promotion
yeah think about it, he made heavens and oceans
yeah he is mr. love potion
so if we live
there is a reason
and if a season shifts
there is a reason
yeah man didn't make the plan
because man didn't make the land
and man didn't make our hands
God did
yeah he will makes kids
and then gives them to us
in a very special swim
yeah God is a plus
or the crust
to our pie
and it's okay to ask why
as you look up at the shy
and cry
because God made tears
be he didn't make fears
for all of our years
yeah lets be clear
Christ is near

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


today u were on my mind
but today u left me behind
my friend
but why?
is it because i can't walk
on my own
if so, that's wrong
because i can't help the way i was born
or how i perform
in a storm
a.k.a. life
yeah that question is for Christ
and that sometimes hurts me like a knife
but i'm sliced open
and i'm coping
but i'm hoping
my scope will change
and people will stop looking at me strange
or exchange their looks for hugs
yeah i want love
and to be thought of..
on a tuesday like this
yeah i would even settle for an emoji kiss


i have power in my insides
so spirit lets ride
and shallow our pride
and talk like the Trinity
yeah our breath is the key
for us to see
what will be
yeah like a tree
used to be a seed first
or like water
started with a thirst
that burst
out of the thought of a brain
or a inner pain
yeah like clouds
make or break
with no shame
no, it just does
it has that power
to shower
yeah just like...
we have the power to speak
to the weak
and the deep sleep
so keep that in mind
the next time you don't see the sunshine

Monday, August 12, 2019


searching my heart
is apart of my life
like Christ
yeah sometimes it hurts
and sometimes it feels like paradise
but i don't think twice about doing it
yeah writing is exciting
and sharing is caring
yeah even if it cause some pause
or staring
because there's no real comparison
to the way i feel every single day
yeah i may play
but sometimes my insides....
turn gray
and i say
lets get honest
because God promised
that he would never leave
yeah even when i grieve
so i believe
that i will achieve
what i need
to go home
where nothing is wrong
and all you here is worship songs
all day long

Sunday, August 11, 2019


hello husband
hello child
it's wild
that i'm writing about you now
yeah your smiles excite me
and wipe away the lonely
and the hurtful haze of life
yeah i pray for paradise
on earth
yeah i pray for y'all's birth
like i thirst for water
and hunger for food
yeah thinking of y'all...
puts me in a good moos


so what's in a number
what's in a name
yeah what's in joy
what's in pain
yeah what's in thunder
whats in rain
well all i see water
the father
and me
hanging on a tree
hoping to be
and found round
like the moon
or this earthly balloon
wait, i hear a tune
that is great...
for waling on
better yet, i hear a running song
no, a house is not a home


i'm stopping out on faith
yeah i'm holding on to grace
yeah tasting fresh air
where people sleep deep
in the divine's mind
where everything is kind
everybody is fine
and no eyes are blind
yeah i'm seeing heaven on earth
yeah i haven't been there since birth
but i thirst
and hunger
for the wonder
of wisdom
and words
yeah i feel angels
but i see birds

Saturday, August 10, 2019


man, this weather is so strange
yeah how quickly it change
from rain to sun
yeah from dark to dawn
but man i still wish i could run
and have fun like my friends
in the wind of sin '
and saints
yeah i wanna rank
in the hall of pranks
but i don't wanna tank
yeah to be frank
i don't wanna die
because i wanna live

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


for a lot of my life
i have been suicidal
but now here i sit
in my wheelchair
feeling bridal
yeah i wanna get married
yeah i want a new arrival
yeah a day
to go my way
and nothing else
yeah i want day all for myself
yeah the doors open
and i'm just coasting
or so it seems
in my dreams
yeah the cream
to God's crop
yeah until my heart stop
but now i'm looking at a clock
and there's no man to hold my hand
in the sand
to propose
yeah there's no rose
but i still wanna see how my life goes

Monday, July 29, 2019


this clown
is counting down
to Heaven
yeah like it's almost eleven
'till midnight
yeah i can almost see the light
in front of me
yeah i don't need speed
or a key
no because my love
is patiently waiting for me
to walk
or fly like a hawk
in the sky
yeah i focus on things
that are high
and that i have to try to reach
yeah like a peach
on a tree
or a fish
in the sea
yeah because honestly
my goal is...
to get my soul
back home
where i belong


i write like a kite
moves in the air
yeah without a care
in the world
but my feels
do have some twist ans twirl
yeah this girl has seen some dreams
just float away
but thank God for wordplay
yeah or else my breaths
would seem crazy
or lazy
on this landscape
but My Lord
has made floating great
now sure, there's been some lakes
and rivers
yeah that have made my soul shiver
to the core of my foundation
but whenever i write
my future looks bright


today has already been planned
but not by man
but by a God that died hard
yeah he dropped his guard
so i could start
living good
in any hood i choose
yeah listening to jazz and blues
a.k.a. my heartbeats
yeah my day just wouldn't be complete
without blood running through my hands and feet
which is neat
if you think about it
and never doubt it
for one second
yeah the whole twenty-four
yeah love and war
knocking at the door
but don't keep score
no, just soar
and pray for more

Sunday, July 28, 2019


yesterday was nice
yeah yesterday was good
yeah and i pray for more yesterdays
yeah knock on wood
or should i say
rely on the word
yeah because yesterday
i know that God heard me
yeah because yesterday
like a bird
i got free
yeah God put the key in the door
and i soared
to new heights
like a kite
or a bike
on a trail
yeah all was well

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


so wanna cry
yeah i wanna disturb crowds
because my nerves are so bad
or better said
my heart and head
are so sad
yeah because i love
so hard
or so well
and you can tell
if you're around
this clown
and so my guard
falls down
when a friend
who you depend on
does you wrong
or so it seems
man i wanna cry
for my hopes and dreams
yeah because these ropes
are so hard to cope with
but i can't switch my pitch
or change my strange posture
so for God's Sake take me of the roster


damn, i'm confused
by God and the things he use
to get his view across
yeah sometimes
even in then sunshine
i'm still lost
like i'm in the dark
yeah my heart is sad
because my heavenly dad
won't tell everything
he's gonna bring my way
yeah day after day i pray
that he will say...
okay this is gonna happen
or that's gonna happen
but Me, Your Father, I am still...
The Captain

Thursday, June 27, 2019


you know who you are
yeah you are a star
who live a little far
for my taste
yeah i say that because
my love
we can't embrace
yeah your face
is not in front of mind
yeah you left me behind
like a dime or a dollar v
but i still wish i could grab your collar
and give you a kiss
yeah because i really do miss your silly way most days
yeah the way we used to play
and the things we used say
to each other
yeah i love you like brutha
but obviously you see
us goin' any further
than it did
and to make my heartbreak more
you treat me like kid
and lock your door
and then expect me not to be...

Sadly, Without You

how can you put me through this?
yeah when you know that i exist
and love you so much
yeah i crave your conservation
like a slave craves
yeah freedom to laugh
about the past, present,future
and grasp my growth to the upmost
yeah let's toast
to me
let's you
but wait, i don't see you in my view '
and so i boohoo
because obviously your love...
wasn't true towards me
so where is the key?
to my heart
yeah so i can start
a new
without you

Friday, June 7, 2019

Lymphatic System

man, how many more breaths to i get to breathe before i leave this Earth?
i mean, i have been breathing since birth
but i didn't realize their worth
but now, "this child"eyes are open
and i am thinking
as my life is shrinking
yeah day after day
night after night
yeah my breaths...
loves to take flight
so i know
that death is right ...
around the corner
so i'm gonna move
God Will...
doesn't move
in me freely
yeah my body is still
and "this human" is no longer at war

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Integumentary system

man i don't understand
and how my pride loves to ride by my side
and how my blood loves to flood my brain with painful thoughts
but God has taught me how to be productive with my reluctance
yeah and turn my heartburn into poetry for everyone to see
yeah the deepest part of me exposed
but my soul has chose...
yeah so my whole life is a human sacrifice
yeah the sugar and spice
and not so nice
yeah Earth and Paradise combined
yeah and so sometimes my mind isn't fine
and sometimes, my heart can be bitter and kind
but i swear that The Divine is always here....
and there

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


my hand jumps like a chump
in a swamp full of piranha
but i still wanna right
yeah day and night
until the light turns dark
or my heartburn...
becomes a lesson learned
or a blessing in disguise
yeah where my eye are wide
with surprise

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Circulatory System

all systems go
yeah blood flow
in me
yeah just like God wanted you to be
yeah no one is suppose to see
anything less than the best
when put to the test
yeah please make my mind rest
and my worries disappear
yeah please let things come back crystal clear like Christ
and paradise
but on Earth
yeah i still have worth
and a thirst for more
so Father please take away the sore in my core
yeah please don't close the door on my life
yeah don't let me see a knife
or a needle
from doctors or people
yeah physically or emotionally either
yeah because i was born to be a leader
in Jesus name

respiratory system

i have lungs
so why don't i have fun?
i have legs
so why can't i run?
well. only God knows the answer
yeah, of this private dancer
or this private person
but i am hunting
yeah, because i am a human
but i am not ruining
but i would like to know...
more about what God is doing
with my life
with my breath
with my death
yeah what is left
and beyond
yeah i to run
and have fun
yeah before it's all said and done
or written
yeah no kidding
i am nosy
but that's because...
i'm not cozy

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


i woke up kinda worried
but Mr. Holy hurried them away
so yay i'm okay for now
yeah being his child
wow, being his child has many perks
yeah in spite of the hurts
and the works of the world
yeah this girl
is a pearl
in her Heavenly Father's Eyes
yeah, she just needs to realize this
yeah, and not feed on being pissed
because i am love
yeah, that's why i still exist
and man
yeah this land
is for the living
and the giving

Monday, April 22, 2019


man, cerebral palsy is like a sin
yeah because i constantly have to pretend
that everything is fine
when it fact inside i'm losing my mind
or walking blind
in a circle
surrounded by hurdles
and then some
yeah i wanna run
but i don't really know how it done
yeah it looks fun
especially in the sun
but in the dark..
it does like hard
yeah especially with no light
yeah i wanna fight
but i don't know where to hit
so Sh**t i lie
and try...
to get by
the best way i can


cerebral palsy is my cross
yeah i'm lost and found at the same time
yeah my frame is ashamed and is playing its best game
at the same time
yeah i'm walking blind
and in plain sight
yeah with all my might
i rise and fall
yeah i die
i live
i hope, cope, and give off
positive and negative energy
But what is the real remedy?


cerebral palsy makes me ballsy
and a burden
yeah it leaves me hurting
and strong
yeah for long periods of time
i can see both sunshine
and rain
yeah both joy and pain
and mane that's a shame
to be treated like a game
and a serious job
yeah like eating corn on the cob
yeah i look like a good looking slob
and i feel like one too
but i can't show that in clear view
and that makes me boohoo
in more ways than one

Friday, March 29, 2019


i wanna sit on my patio
and drink some hot coco
with some marshmallows
on top
and i won't stop
until my will is warm
and able to perform
in a storm of Sundays
and Mondays
and so-on
but i must go on
with grace
so as i taste
this drink
i will stop think
about my blessings
and the lessons
i have learned
so far
and hope that i don't get burn
and it leaves a scar

Thursday, March 28, 2019


man, i really don't like the taste of coffee
but i love the smell
yeah because it's like heaven and hell
mixed together
yeah like the world's crazy weather
full of charm and warm
or the steam can sometimes cause harm
and dreams of cream
or rainbows i suppose
but only God really knows
what really flows
in those coffee-beans