Tuesday, December 10, 2019


why do you love me?
is it just for my money?
or is it really for my milk and honey?
yeah the sunny spirit that God put inside of me
for the world to see emotionally
yeah my heart is the key for real friend
so if you happen to slip in mine
please know i don't ever plan to leave you behind
unless God calls me to rest
in the best place not on earth
yeah the opposite of birth
so if you see a hearse
carrying me
as yourself first
what was the verse?
that really quenched your thirst
that i said
yeah what really got stuck in head?"
like bread to your stomach
but really please don't wait until...
i plummet
yeah that late date...
won't be great
yeah especially if you my mate
only saw my cake
and not my weight

Monday, December 9, 2019


there is something in the air
yeah and that something really cares
about what goes on here
yeah and who's crying tears for fears
yeah somebody is near
yeah close enough to steer...
the gear of the globe
and close enough whisper...
in our earlobes
so when we disrobe
please know
we are all truly letting go
yeah our skin is really hitting the flo'
yeah it might sound silly
or but profound
but nothing hits the ground
when this something is around
yeah in the air
or everywhere
but don't stare
or compare
yeah because i swear...
there is nothing else like this breath

Sunday, December 8, 2019


i see you in my dreams
and i see you in the screams of my soul
yeah i don't feel whole
but i am alive
so let's drive into my sadness
until i find gladness again
but i miss you my friend
yeah when you left....
my breath....
smelled like death
yeah life stunk
i was in funk
yeah i felt like punk
with no rock group
yeah there wasn't any seasoning...s
in my soup
so no i didn't eat
or sleep
yeah the pain...
was just the deep
but as i crept along
yeah right or wrong
still the song was....
i miss you...
you were you
in all that you did,kid
and i still can't get rid of that fact
yeah i so want you back...
on this track of tears
but then they would be cheers
then my friend...
you would be here..
and this poem would not...

Saturday, December 7, 2019


when i want the heavens to open up
you know what i do?
i write
yeah until my world turns bright
or until i learn something new
yeah writing is the glue
that holds me together
yeah that helps me to weather
any storm
yeah writing keeps me away from harm
or so it seems
as i dreams of so many things
yeah when i write i have wrings
and meaning...
bigger than myself
yeah i have breath
yeah deep
and sweet
and complete
yeah so writing is treat
or a heartbeat
so yeah bottom-line....
my mind is fine
when my blinds are open

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


so maybe i want a husband for all the wrong reasons
yeah i just want a husband to help me through the tough seasons
yeah forget the pleasing and teasing
i would really like a husband to hold me at night
yeah when things are not going right in my sight
and in my heart there's a really big fright
yeah tears streaming down my face
and my spirit screaming get me out of place
yeah let me taste normalcy
yeah let me see what love looks like despite
the darkness
or the hardness
of this world
yes Lord, please let this girl
feel like a real peal
yeah which rare
and treated fairly
yeah not scary
or hairy
but beautiful
and needed
yeah please let me be fed
in my head
and in my head
yeah while i'm not dead