Saturday, August 31, 2019


man, my soul wants to be in control
and hit every goal
that my spirit has set
but my body won't let me walk
or fly like a hawk
ans sometimes i wonder why God brought me here
yeah i'm still not clear
year after forty years
of tears
and fears
and a big taste of humble pie
yeah i can't lie
i have wanted to die
but God wanted me to breathe
yeah even when i didn't believe
in him
but swam
towards to dam
yeah like clam
or a canned ham
floating in water
but now i am his daughter
and that's cool
yeah even when...
i feel like a real fool
when so-called friends
wanna end our friendship
ans then i slip
into a called depression
but i still learn a valuable lesson
so i'm guessing...
that i do have some...
air-traffic- control


i smile
when my child is happy
i smile at thought of my mom and pappy
still being alive
and thrive on songs
that talk about gettin' on
yeah right or wrong
i smile
when people drive miles
to see me
yeah honestly i smile
because life is wild
and wow
yeah like...
wonder and thunder
letters and numbers
shapes and heartbreaks
yeah i take everything...
like winter and spring
and i sing like queen
and that brings
a reason
to be

Friday, August 30, 2019


A is for Amen
and B is for Blessed
And C is for i must Confess
that the Divine is the best
Elder Brother
and Friend
that a Girl could ever
Have In this world
Jesus Kind of Love
Mercy Me
Nobody can see all that he do
yeah because Obviously his Oath is the most
Priceless Quote that someone ever wrote
Yeah Sins blow into the wind
when the Savior Sacrificed his Skin
To Save a Slave like Us
Victory Was Win
Yeah Azusa Street Revival

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Mary was here name
and birthing Jesus was her pain
and her gain
at the same time
yeah she was so much more
than the subject of rhyme
yeah Mary was patient
Mary was kind
yeah because she birthed
sunshine first
yeah she birthed
the thirst
that quenched the worst
that has ever been done
Yeah Mary birthed a son
that ran into being a man
with a plan in his hand
yeah with a clear understanding
of his landing
yeah him and Mary...
faced their fears
yeah which led us to years
manna bread
communion blood
oh what a flood
of love
that was gave
and now i'm saved
yeah no slave
or no real grave
yeah because Mary...
did not act on her scary


sin hit me again
like the wind
in Chicago
yeah i can't believe i saw tomorrow
i mean today
yay, my lust got taken away
and i trust that i'll be okay
yeah even through gray
and black
yeah i don't won't go back
to the nights with no lights
and my heart feeling so lonely
with no hommies in sight
so i might take a bite
in me
but God still sees
and hears my please
in the morning
yeah, he gave me another to see
and to be
and still
and reflective
about my doubts
and my wrongs
that go on
in my home
and in my mind
yeah before the rhymes
and the sunshine

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


i must confess
that my flesh
so wants to be considered
with all the rest
of the walking blessed
yeah i want to considered
equal with the people
on this planet
yeah i wanna moonwalk
on granite
or put my feet
in some concrete
yeah i wanna walk down the aisle
to a prince with a really big smile
on his face
yeah i so wanna taste grace
before i finish my race
down here
yeah lets be clear
i wanna walk without fear
on my mine
yeah no more
being left behind
all of the time
or being left out
yeah i would dance
and shout
without any doubt
to speak about


i honor
the wonder
and the thunder
in me
yeah i honor
the lock and the key
yeah can see it in my poetry?
yeah can you smell it when i tell it?
straight from the well
of my heaven and hell
yeah a.k.a my life
but with every slice
my will still honors Christ
yeah his sacrifice
was priceless
and a real success
at its'best
yeah so i can rest
now and later
and so he loves me greater
or more
yeah just look at this open door
called poetry
which i write with all my might
and i see the light
in front of me
every-time i rhyme
yeah the sun shines
behind the moon
yeah the sky makes room
for my tune
but still i will honor God


i am God's daughter
and poetry is my alter
and i lay in down
raw and profound
yeah like a educated clown
yeah my emotions are not round
yeah they got some pointy and jointly edges
that desperately needs to be...
smoothed out
yeah i need to...
in the crowd
of Christ
but he is...
and he believes in...
or should i say...
second chance
and private dances
so yeah i can talk to him
when the lights are dim
or when i take a swim
or dive into an active be hive
yeah he is...
always there
yeah because he always...
about his squares

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


girl my heart is still real tender
yeah 'cause i still remember
from January to December
yeah times ten
yeah in my mind sista-friend
yeah together we are...
the beginning and the end
yeah the heat and the wind
of Arkansas
yeah my ma and your pa
are blood
so you and me
are the flood gates
to some fine real estate
so no hate
just some great...
yeah so come in


man, i'm tryin' shake my heartbreak
i guess it's gonna take awhile
before i really smile again
yeah because right now i have to pretend
that i have friends
and family that really care
about me
out here somewhere
yeah in the night air
but i jus' sit and stare
at the unfairness
that exist in my world
yeah this girl is hurt
this girl feels like dirt
yeah so i feel real...
yeah because i thought i had...
some kindred love
to speak of
and it's sad...
that obviously i was wrong
yeah because Saturday...
i was jus' sittin' at home


man, so many thoughts get caught in my cerebral
yeah like how many people i really do miss
and how much i yearn for a kiss
and does hell really exist
well, does it?
and if it does, who's going?
man. i wish it was snowing
yeah, have i lost mind
no, i feel just fine
i just remember the times
where the air was cold
but my soul was warm
and all the Christmas performance
were wonderful
so yeah you know,
my mind can go
yeah my blood can flow
from head to to
yeah sometimes i think...
that when i blink...
i glow..
yeah in the dark...
my heart...
is on start
to finish
yeah i'm on Venice Beach
yeah it's insane;...
how far my brain..
can reach
yeah preach
because, my love,
i'm in Arkansas
right now
and oooo child
i'm sum what wild
and crazy
but this lady
will make you laugh
on a daily


man it's insane
how pain
has framed my inside
yeah i can't seem to hide
bumpy ride
yeah my pride leaves
whenever i grieve
and the blood on my sleeve
turns in to a friend
or a lesson learn
yeah my soul won't burn
because i let my donuts out
yeah i turned on the waterspout
and let the paper get wet
by my words
yeah no birds crabbed
on my laptop
no i just let go
and painfully
yeah a.k.a. poetry
a.k.a. me

Monday, August 26, 2019


hey have you every felt lower than the floor?
yeah you know...
from head
to toe
yeah emotionally
you can't see
a fruitful tree
in sight
yeah no light
or no might
in your muscle
but yet you still hustle
not to die
for real
but you feel
and sleepy
yeah it's creepy
how deep one can slink
in a blink of an eye
yeah no lie
i cry
i don't feel
but i do feel
in my skin
yeah i would love
some friends
yeah before i see
flying over me

my jabbawockee journey

man, how different would my life be if i could walk?
or fly like a hawk
way different
i wreaking so
yeah because being disable
is so stressful
and lonely
but people who can walk
seem to have so many hommies
and dreams to come true
and i wan't that too
yeah i want a taller view
of what you see
and do
yeah i wanna be a jabbawockeez
yeah moving and grooving
to my song
yeah needing no physical help
and having no reason to weep
yeah in and out
of my sleep
yeah i wish i creep
in the streets
yeah that would be so neat
to not need
for my speed
but is waking a greed?
or a gift
well, whatever it is...
i'm really for shift
yeah in Jesus name
i;m tired of this pain
and being left our

DAY 238

hey god lets walk
yeah lets talk
in the garden of my mind
or better yet lets get wet
in the amazon
yeah daddy lets run
and have fun in the sun
yeah forever in the dawn
or in the kingdom
so pardon me
because now i see
that we are
in your mind
or we are....
swinging on your vine
or moving on your time
which is fine
and kind of cool
so savior...
school me
who shall i be?
what shall i say?
now and today

Sunday, August 25, 2019


go to sleep my sheep
i got you, boo
yeah i swear i do
yeah my word is true
and my view is clear
you hear me?
stay near me
yeah so you can hear my voice
but you do have a choice
to follow
be hollow
yeah to beg
or borrow
yeah to be head
or to led
yeah to be fed
by bread
or crow
but you know
my blood flows
through your veins
like candy-canes
at Christmas
yeah i am the vine
to your plant
and the reason
to your rant
and rave
but i do save

Friday, August 23, 2019


so it's dark
and my heart is alone
yeah come phone ring
yeah please make my heart sing
like everything is right with the world
yeah please God put a smile on your girl's face
yeah please Lord show me some grace
yeah Father please give me a taste of soul food
so i can live with a love
and i don't mean to be rude
but i do want a dude
that is a human reflection
of your affection
yeah your idea of blessing
yeah no more second guessing
do i need
so Savior, will you please pick of speed?
yeah because it's almost Saturday
and you know how crazy my insides usually get
so please Daddy, hit the switch
and give me light
yeah because i really don't like...
the night

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


crazy dreams
this queen
has had
some been good
but mostly sad
so why bother,Father?
going to sleep
when usually makes me weep
from a deep place in my soul
yeah where my whole body goes cold
but you are in control
of my vision
so i listen
for the meaning in between
so go green
yeah tell me everything
like a choir sings
yes please
i'm on my knees
in the dark
so please shine
a light on my mind
if you be so kind
before bedtime


hey black woman
tell me something
that i didn't know
yeah help me to grow
more grateful
about my skin
and what's within
yeah help me to see
the beauty
yeah the key
to my door
or the ceiling
to my floor
yeah the core
to my apple
yeah tell me why
or lie
about my
or my fears
for years
yeah from me
and this disability
that was given to me
way back in history
yeah which is wack
but a fact
that i can learn from
yeah even if i can't run
the sun and the sky
is not to high
for me to reach
yeah so black woman
don't preach
at this peach
a.k.a. me

Monday, August 19, 2019


man, this is my thought process
i wish i could think less
yeah i stress
about my breath
and my death
all of the time
yeah my mind
is on rewind
and fast forward
at the same time
so i'm not fine
but i'm not blind
to the fact
that my life
can be taken
just like that
yeah by man
or by Christ
but neither one
wouldn't be fun
no not at time
yeah, because i still have rhymes
that need to shine
yeah rather or not i see a dime
before i leave this world
but will people grieve?
whenever i do leave
yeah that is the real question
i am stressing about


hey words
come out
don't shout
but be real
or be still
like water
as you follow the father
down this narrow road of earth
yeah your breath can birth
life or death
love or hurt
yeah out of the dirt
can come plums or figs
yeah so if remove your lids
or flap your gums
into the sun
or run your mouth
in the south
yeah where everything said
by flapping your wings
and moving your head
to and fro
like "you know"
very expressive
like words should be
but spoken easily
if spoken at all


come, he said
pick up. he said
walk, he said
talk, he said
eat, this bread
drink, he said
wake, the dead
trust, he said
turn from lust, he said
forgive and live, he said
have faith, taste, and show grace
he said
again, take up your bed
and be a friend
talk to the mountains
talk to the wind
turn from sin
or repent
because you were sent
to love
to give
and to think...
and don't sink...
into depression
and learn from your lessons
and count your blessings
he said

Saturday, August 17, 2019


before i woke up
i didn't give know what
yeah i was suicidal
until my first niece's arrival
and plus i really reed the bible
and let go of false idols
and then that's when...
the sun shined
and the wind blew
yeah that's when i felt...
brand new
yeah skies are blue
in the best
yeah a new day came
with fresh rain
on my pain
and my shame
no more
open door
wood floor
velvet walls
and gold halls
yeah i've been called
by Christ
yeah he saved my life
more than twice
before i woke up


so here i sit on another dark night
so i guess i write as bright as the stars
or the moon
so yeah God please make room
for your human balloon
but i don't wanna see you soon
but i must say i do wanna see you one day
yeah no play
or no gray in my heat
yeah Daddy, let the clouds part
like the red sea
yeah i will take a knee
and then i will take key
yeah royalty
in blue
sitting next to you
like glue on paper
yeah i am your vapor
yeah i am your breath
come to life
yeah i am Christ's cousin
buzzing around Earth's town
trying not to get loss
since i been found
or started believing in you
so all things will appear new
yeah even in the night light

Friday, August 16, 2019


man, y'all don't understand
my desires are on fire
but they require help
and so weep
until i fall asleep sometimes
because just writing rhymes
makes me wanna lose my mine
because the outdoors seems so fine
and i just wanna go swing from a vine
or go jump in a river
but because of my wheelchair
i just can't go there
and that feel real
yeah like waiting for a date
that never shows
yeah that really blows
because i didn't choose
to spread the good news way
but i must say
my wordplay is better than okay
because my heart is a little gray
on this friday
yeah a day i wish
that i could get a kiss
and feel some type of bliss
yeah instead of being dis-


God i can't trust nobody but you
but i to
and look what they do
make me feel blue
and make my eyes eyes cry
with their lies
and don't apologize
or care
that they were so unfair
and unaware
of the real deal
of my daily life
but Christ you know
so why should i worry?
or ask you to hurry
my heaven on
just because people have done me wrong
in my home
man, did you wrong too
but what did you do?
blessed them with something new
so Father God, please send me
only the true friendly
and stronger glue

Thursday, August 15, 2019


once again
i crave love
once again
i see doves
in future endeavors
but today i weather the storm of loneliness
or maybe this is just a test
of my patience
yes, that must be it
but how do i switch?
my mind from craving
to just waiting
yeah waiting to be somebody's girl
and then for my body to bring s little somebody into this world
yeah this world of mine
yeah,come on Divine
please send me friend that's fine
and kind
the grew from Your Vine
or was made by Your Wine
yes Lord, please let me drink
and think
yeah no war
only love
and doves
and a diamond wedding ring
and a real-life lion king to hold
yes Father please bless my soul before i grow old
in Jesus name

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


God is the only one who can really give a man a promotion
yeah think about it, he made heavens and oceans
yeah he is mr. love potion
so if we live
there is a reason
and if a season shifts
there is a reason
yeah man didn't make the plan
because man didn't make the land
and man didn't make our hands
God did
yeah he will makes kids
and then gives them to us
in a very special swim
yeah God is a plus
or the crust
to our pie
and it's okay to ask why
as you look up at the shy
and cry
because God made tears
be he didn't make fears
for all of our years
yeah lets be clear
Christ is near

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


today u were on my mind
but today u left me behind
my friend
but why?
is it because i can't walk
on my own
if so, that's wrong
because i can't help the way i was born
or how i perform
in a storm
a.k.a. life
yeah that question is for Christ
and that sometimes hurts me like a knife
but i'm sliced open
and i'm coping
but i'm hoping
my scope will change
and people will stop looking at me strange
or exchange their looks for hugs
yeah i want love
and to be thought of..
on a tuesday like this
yeah i would even settle for an emoji kiss


i have power in my insides
so spirit lets ride
and shallow our pride
and talk like the Trinity
yeah our breath is the key
for us to see
what will be
yeah like a tree
used to be a seed first
or like water
started with a thirst
that burst
out of the thought of a brain
or a inner pain
yeah like clouds
make or break
with no shame
no, it just does
it has that power
to shower
yeah just like...
we have the power to speak
to the weak
and the deep sleep
so keep that in mind
the next time you don't see the sunshine

Monday, August 12, 2019


searching my heart
is apart of my life
like Christ
yeah sometimes it hurts
and sometimes it feels like paradise
but i don't think twice about doing it
yeah writing is exciting
and sharing is caring
yeah even if it cause some pause
or staring
because there's no real comparison
to the way i feel every single day
yeah i may play
but sometimes my insides....
turn gray
and i say
lets get honest
because God promised
that he would never leave
yeah even when i grieve
so i believe
that i will achieve
what i need
to go home
where nothing is wrong
and all you here is worship songs
all day long

Sunday, August 11, 2019


hello husband
hello child
it's wild
that i'm writing about you now
yeah your smiles excite me
and wipe away the lonely
and the hurtful haze of life
yeah i pray for paradise
on earth
yeah i pray for y'all's birth
like i thirst for water
and hunger for food
yeah thinking of y'all...
puts me in a good moos


so what's in a number
what's in a name
yeah what's in joy
what's in pain
yeah what's in thunder
whats in rain
well all i see water
the father
and me
hanging on a tree
hoping to be
and found round
like the moon
or this earthly balloon
wait, i hear a tune
that is great...
for waling on
better yet, i hear a running song
no, a house is not a home


i'm stopping out on faith
yeah i'm holding on to grace
yeah tasting fresh air
where people sleep deep
in the divine's mind
where everything is kind
everybody is fine
and no eyes are blind
yeah i'm seeing heaven on earth
yeah i haven't been there since birth
but i thirst
and hunger
for the wonder
of wisdom
and words
yeah i feel angels
but i see birds

Saturday, August 10, 2019


man, this weather is so strange
yeah how quickly it change
from rain to sun
yeah from dark to dawn
but man i still wish i could run
and have fun like my friends
in the wind of sin '
and saints
yeah i wanna rank
in the hall of pranks
but i don't wanna tank
yeah to be frank
i don't wanna die
because i wanna live