Thursday, December 21, 2017


slow jams
and river dams
turn me on because they are both sweet and strong
and can go on for a very long time
yeah like the sunshine
or the moon's glow
but only God really knows
about true flow
and beautiful things
yeah like an eagle and his wings
or about a crown and his king
or about an oyster and its bling
or a switch and its light
because he is the one who makes all things right
yes day and night
and in between
and plus trust he makes me feel like queen
which is clean
and sinless
yes i am blessed
despite my mess
and my mistakes
yes he mends my heartbreaks
like a friend should
yes he makes me feel real good
because he has stood in my shoes
yes, he has sung the blues
as well as spread the news
and then got battered and bruised
but yet and still he let himself be used
out loud
yes, in front of crowds
but he didn't care
because he knew he was born to...

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