Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 whenever it gets dark 

my heart 

gets lonely 

i wish someone would hold me 

but i sleep alone 

yeah and that feels so wrong 

but at least my writing is strong 

and long enough 

to write a rough draft 

to make you all laugh 

at my pain 

and at my shame  

but who's to blame?

at my no-name change 

yes i feel strange 

being single 

because my heart...

so wants to mingle 

yeah this tingle 

is torching me 

but no cares to see 

my availability 


 pages and pages 

of my emotions 

almost drown me like an ocean 

but trust me  


is like lotion 

to my inner skin 

yeah it soothes me like a friend

over and over again 

yeah no need to pretend 


I'm hurting 

and being self-serving 

to whatever I'm going through 

and choose to share it with you know who 

yeah I bare to blue 

and the green '

and the in-between

yeah I come clean 

while still looking like a queen  

in the meantime 

Monday, December 28, 2020



i'm still waiting to be kissed

under the mistletoe 

and to dance real slow 

on the flo ' 

yeah don't let go 

and love me so much 

yeah please let me feel your touch 

like a crouch 

to a broken leg 

yeah love me

like men love Meg Ryan 

whenever she is crying 

or close to dying 

yeah I'm not lying 

i wanna be like that "it girl"

in the movies 

that all guys...

 can't keep up their eyes...

off of

yeah, I yearn...

for a turn...

real movie love 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020



whenever i see someone

walk into a room 

or play a tune 

i say...

why can't that be me?


yeah in someway 

my sky is gray 

and my heart 

is dark 

yeah because

i am not 

an active part 

of the crossing guard 

Monday, December 21, 2020


 man, I cry 

'cause my soul can't lie 

about my hurtful 

yeah even if it tried 

my pride...

goes out the window 

and my feelings...


yeah my cerebral

loves to let people know 

just how painful 

my palsy can be

yeah it's like a raging sea

to a boat 

yeah, no hope \

without a rope 

bur I cope 

as I soak 

in water

yeah so father

I don't wanna be bother 

but guess what?

I am 




 man, i wish y'all could understand 

that the ability to walk on this land 

looks so grand to me 

yeah it's literary all I can see 

and all that I hope to be 

doing someday 

yay, I wanna say 

"hey earthly ground "

"let's play around" 

"yeah, step by step"

leap by leap"

"let's walk around"

"until my feet fall asleep" 



Monday, December 14, 2020


words were here 
before our tears
words were here 
before our tears 
yeah words were here 
before our gears got to going 
and why? 
because God is 
the word 
so he is all-knowing 
yeah flowing on pages 
and stages 
yeah he is 

Saturday, November 21, 2020



please stop acting funny 

with me 

yeah please be

in my bank account 

for centries 

yeah even after I'm dead and gone 

money, please live on 


and proud 

yeah green 

and loud 

yeah even in the clouds 

stand proud man 

yeah even in quicksand 

rule over this land 

like a king or a queen 

yeah spread your wings 

and make things better 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020



this is my last day 

living this way 

yeah in the grey 

and the blue 

yeah okay 

it has been sun too 

and some fun too 

but tomorrow is new 

so please no sorrow 

in my borrowed day 

of birth 

yes please send worth 

and friends 

to spend quality time 

yes please Father just let be... 

Heavenly happy

on Earth 

yeah in Christ Name 

please bless my frame 

with  no pain 

or no hurtful games 

yes Father just reign 

on this here daughter 


Sunday, November 15, 2020


man, i have lived 41 years of Sundays on this land 

yes , because that was God's plan 

so that I can 

write this word 

like a bird 

flies high 

in the sky 

yes by and by 

I try 

and do 

yes I pursue 

the glory glue 

yes which you know who 

I am stuck to 

yes I have a clear view 

and an open ear 

yes I am his dear


yes I am worth more

 than a quarter 

Saturday, November 14, 2020


i am a real-life sitcom 
yeah it's funny
how i can't really walk 
or run 
to have fun 
in the sun 
or in the dawn 
wishing I could mingle 
wishing I was kissing 
a neighbor 
but not as a favor 
but as a future 
yeah I have voice 
but it seems to scream 
to others 
but I so want a lover
but not just for undercover 
yeah I want to be
publicly best 


 so here i stand

as a human 

yeah trying to figure out 

what life is all about 

yeah my soul shouts 

for answers 

as dancers 

move and groove 

around me 

yeah they look so peaceful 

they look so free v

but why?

can that not be 

my story 

of glory  

from right to left 

breath to breath 

heartbeat to heartbeat 

yeah before God'closes the door 

or puts in a very deep sleep 


 I cry alone 

like a song on the radio 

yeah my tears love to flow 

fast and slow 

but no one really understands 

what is playing in the middle 

is it a fiddle

and are the lyrics riddles 

set to instrumentals 

but either way 

all I can say


my eyes are wet 

and my feelings are hurt 

but work work work work work work  


 I woke up 

my heart beating strong 

but I woke up alone 

yeah i sad clone of yesterday i must say 

so my heart is still really grey 

but that's okay, i guess?

yeah since my body got some rest 

but i still would like to be blessed 

with love 

yeah as real as doves 

flying high in the sky

i would love for a guy to give me a try 

before i die 

or cry out with doubt 

like a spout 

filled with real 


yeah i am a lonely daughter 

from Arkansas 

but i long to be a strong 

supportive wife 

in life 

when i am woke 

or provoked 



 man, in my dreams 

i have a guy 

who makes me scream 

and cry happy tears 

and he calms my fears 

like Christ 

but why can't I have this in real-life?

yeah to be kissed 

and missed 

with some spice 

yeah a.k.a. paradise 

on a pillow 

and sweet talks

in our walks 

on this world 

yeah, I yearn to be....

 somebody's girl-


but when the time is right 

I will become a wife 

but man, right now

it cuts like a knife 

because there's no romantic-love 

to speak of 

oh well, I guess...

i will go get some more rest 

a.k.a. deep sleep 

and just keep on dreaming 

about a dude 

that sometimes feeds me food 

when the mood is right 

yeah my eyesight works perfectly 

at night 

but man, 

I don't understand 

why I can't see nothing in the morning?

Friday, October 30, 2020

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 man, i just wanna scream

at my dreams 

for not come true 

yeah i'm so mad 

i'm so sad 

i'm so very blue 

but what's new?


yeah these last few days 

have been like a haze maze 

yeah my cerebral has been crazed 

yeah my mind feels so left behind 

and my heart feels like it doesn't wanna start


yeah been in this wheelchair 

is really not fair 

yeah it is such a war 

to get to more 

yeah and acting silly 

is becoming a bore 

but i want friends 

so i pretend 

that i believe 

that i'm gonna win 

but boy, do i grieve 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

i want my momma and daddy


i am so confused 

about the recent news

oh yes i have the blues 

because i did not get to choose 

to be this 

so yeah i'm super pissed 

 super sad

i want my momma 

i want my daddy 

Monday, October 19, 2020


 man, as the sun goes down 

my face starts to frown 

yeah i get sad 

i get mad 

i get lonely 

yeah someone please 

hold me 

yeah console like a lover 

and not like brother 

or a mother 

yeah do i have go any further?

yeah the day is going way 

and i want it to day 

because i didn't get to go outside 

and play


and hey 

that is not okay 

as the sun goes down 

and you realizes...

that no friends....

have been around 

Saturday, October 17, 2020



this girl 

is still waiting 

on her perfect world 

yeah a diamond on left hand 

given to her by her man 

yeah along with his last name

with no shame 

or no games 

but who or what do i blame?

for this single pain 

or this pouring rain 

that exist over my life

yeah so help me Christ 

find paradise 

yeah even if it's...

slice by slice 


 man being happy is so overrated 

and my feels real deflated 

or grated like a block of cheese 

yeah so Father help me please 

get off my spiritual knees 

and walk around 

yeah because this ground 

is not round 

yeah meaning fair 

yeah no one really seems to care 

about my screams 

or my dreams 

and man does that hurt 

yeah i don't like how this world work? 

Tuesday, October 13, 2020



is my alcohol

yeah whenever my feeling fall

i get drunk 

yeah my trunk slumps   

and i 


to get by 

with a silent cry 


but o how i so want to be 


through the grape 


yeah heart soul and mind 

man, people can be 

so blind

and unkind to me 

Monday, October 12, 2020


boy, do i hurt 

yeah i feel lower than dirt 

yeah i'm about to go 


yeah straight out of control 

yeah my soul 

is running hot 

and cold 

yeah man 

i feel so old 

in this moment 

and young 

at the same time 

yeah even 

my mind 

feels blind 


 Father God wet tears 

wet fears 

yeah i really need to hear from 

yeah please Heavenly Papa 

tell your daughter what to do 

yeah i only want to see your view 

yeah and did i mention that i am so lonely too

yeah this is me 

can't see 

what needs to be 

a reality 

in Jesus name

yeah Savior 

can't you see 

i am in pain 

and the blame 

and the shame 

is not a game 

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 spend time with me please 

yeah before my time runs out

do I  have to shout 

 or die 

for you to realize why 

i am important to you 


yeah one day 

i will 

pass away 

yeah some will slam

my casket 

and then you will 

blow a gasket 

as my friend 

i hope 

that you would cry 

and try to cope

but when was the last time 

that i was on your mind 

or that we spent some time


yeah i hate this lonely weather 

or this lonely season 

but at least i'm still breathing for now

Monday, October 5, 2020


 man, the hardest part of being single 

is that my heart still wants to mingle 

yeah even though no wants to give my body a tingle 

or my soul some sprinkles

yeah i wanna lose control 

and i want to feel whole 

yeah like a woman should 

yeah i so wanna feel real... 

good with someone 

yeah i wanna feel the sun 

on my face 

and taste love  in my mouth 

yeah i wanna go north, south, 

east and west 

with the best 

Sunday, October 4, 2020


 girl, i can't write to u 


and sadly u can't walk 

through my door

and so my heart is sore 

yeah there is a war 

going on strong 

in me 

yeah the fire 

is not friendly 

at all 

yeah i so wanna fall 

or go AWOL 

but God called 


to be 


and not to take

a break

or a dive 

while i'm a child 

in this wild world 

and so your girl 

writes until she sees 

the dark in her heart 

finds the bright light 

in her mind 

from missing you

to a much happier view 

Saturday, October 3, 2020


 God i realize 

that my temperature

is steady rising 

yeah i keep on



having sexual shout 

with people who 

don't want me 

in that way

but o how i wanna 


and want someone 

who wants to stay

but Father i know that it's not okay

for me lust 

yeah i am only supposed to trust 

in You when i'm lonely 

and nothing more 

yeah behind close door 

i should just sleep 

with no peeps 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 damn, do i have to put a romantic kiss

on my bucket list  

just to get one 

and do i have to write 

i wanna be able to...

walk and run 

just for fun 

until God's will is done 

for me 

yeah in this earth society 

where i see a variety

of better or worse 

but i so thirst

for a burst 

of love 

and not war

yeah my heart is sore 

but i yearn for more


yeah more fire 

yeah this daughter 

wants to use her water 

to make things grow 

and flow 


yeah like an amazon tree 

shielding me from the sun 

yeah kingdom come 


to the ground 

and wash away...

my loneliness today  



 man, i so want to give birth 

to something with worth 

yeah lady first 

a queen i mean 

in the making 

that isn't taking...

anything sh*r 

yeah a woman...

who won't quit 

yeah even when things get stuff 

she will become rough 

if need be 

yeah that's the daughter...

i want to come out of me 


yeah i want to see 

a female tree 

grow and know 

that i loved her so 

yeah now and before...

i go 

where there is a glow 

and a flow of faith 

that taste milk and honey 

yeah i'm not being funny 

i want produce 

more than money 

yeah i want a baby 

as crazy as that might...


i believe that i was put on...

 this ground 

to have a belly...

 that is round 

yeah a child 

how profound

Monday, August 24, 2020


 sleep makes me weak 

sleep makes me sad 

sleep makes me yearn 

for things that i once had 

yeah which is so bad 

as i toss and turn

man, will my heart ever learn?

or will it always burn?


man, i can't seem to get my dreams 
off my mind 
yeah i been living 41 years 
but i still feel real...
left behind 
man, i don't understand...
why life is so unkind 
and love is so bind to me 
yeah oh how yearn...
to have a turn 
at a burning burn 
yes Father please give me a push 
or a change to dance...
on water like Fred Astaire 
yeah moving without a care in the world 
yeah a real dream-girl 
with pearls of wisdom 
in her head 
and finally my husband in our bed 
and our kid in my belly 
yeah i'm more than ready 


 man, anger 

is no stranger 

to my daily life 

but so help me Christ 

i so want to stop...

being so mad and sad 

about what i have had 

and want back 

or the fact that...

i want more 

yeah such a tug a war

is going on inside of me 

but i want to let go

to be set free 

yeah i'm searching 

for the key 

of my unhappy heart 

yeah to start over 


Friday, August 21, 2020


man, i can't pursue you

no, that's not what a girl is supposed to do

so i guess...

i must not stress 

and be true 

to you 

finding me 

with your lock and key 

yeah your property

your wife 

your life 

yeah the spice 

on your rib 

that is sensitive

and tender 

and something to remember    

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


 man, when i write 

i feel real




and stable 

yeah like a maple tree 

just free 

to be 


or more 

yeah i can soar 

through doors 

if i choose 

or sing the blues 

or spread the good news 

of God 

yeah his hard work 

has paid off 

yeah because...

my soul is not loss 

yeah because...

words are my boss 

Monday, August 17, 2020


 my desire to walk

is hovering over me like a hawk 

or a crow 

but only God know....

if it will be so 

yeah if i will... 

stay still 

or get up and go

fast or slow 

yeah like the flow of water 

God's knows his daughter 

 yeah because he created me 

like the sea 

yeah with complexity 

and flexibility

beyond my comprehension  

but Father if i can add an extension 

please make this hun...

  walk and run 

into the sun 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Quenched Thirst

 i have been in love twice 

but i have yet to see paradise 

yeah i have yet to become...

 someone's wife 

or someone's mother 

yeah cover to cover 

i yearn to be

 someone's lover 

yeah someone's ...

happily ever after chapter 

and verse 

yeah someone's...

quenched thirst 

R.E.M. P.M.

 man, i swear i have so many nightmares 

yeah my sleep don't play fair 

yeah no it doesn't care 

that my heart beats fast 

against an hourglass 

that i can't see 

yeah Father please help me

fully wake up 

and fill my morning cup 

with good luck 

yeah that will last 

before i pass 

away in my sleep 

yeah the dark 

and deep 

makes me weak 

so yes Lord, 

please keep


in your reach  


all i have is time on my mind 

yeah time wasted 

and time worked 

yeah in the dirt 

of hurt 

and harvest 

yeah mud 

and floods 

until i see 

rose buds 

growing out of me 


yeah flowers are not free 

yeah says the powers the be 

the seed 

that all us need 


strong, tall, and beautiful   

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Flows of The Father and His Daughter

 man, my heart is heavy 

bu my spirit is ready

to soar into the war

of the unsure 

yeah because of God's love 

circling me like dove 

or catching me like a glove

when my soul rolls 

out of control 

yeah but only heaven really knows 

the flows of the father and his daughter 

yeah like rivers and waters 

banks and harbors 

together we can 

go farther than man's plan 

on this land 

of quicksand 

and quarantine

yeah this world 

is mean and clean 

at the same time 

yeah like moonshine and wine 

yeah blind and kind 

innocent and committing a crime    

behind bars 

yeah while looking up at the stars 

Thursday, August 6, 2020


man one day i will walk into a room 
yeah i don't know how soon 
but one day my feet will make a beautiful beat 
on some concrete or linoleum floor  
yeah for sure i will soar 
from my core 
like an eagle 
yeah i can
just picture me 
trying to be regale  
for people 
to see 
but on the inside 
my soul 
will be on a ride 
to running 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


who doesn't care...
if i ever walk or run somewhere 
yeah and loves the feel of my lips 
and the taste of my tongue 
yeah someone who sees me
as a smokin' hot gun 
of a woman  
yeah that would be
something good 
yeah to be understand 
under my hood 
and into my heart 
man, what a perfect start?
yeah to be able to...
let down my guard 
with a guy 
who makes me feel high 
and like i can fly...
if i just try
yeah it makes me wanna cry 
just thinkin' about it
yeah because...
i don't wanna die 
without ever experiencing...
 real romantic love  

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


man, i want a groom 
who will make room 
for me
in heart 
start to finish 
yeah with blemishes 
and all 
but feels called to me 
by the heavenly's 
yes please 
get on your knees  
and propose 
yes please put a ring on hand 
and not in my nose 
and as my face glows
you know 
that i love you so much 
yeah your gentle touch 
give me such a rush
that i can trust 
yeah us 
is definitely a plus 


man, i want a guy 
who isn't ashamed to cry 
and who isn't afraid to ask God why?
do good or young die? 
and when God replies...
he doesn't run 
no, he will...
just sit still... 
and listen like a good little son 
yeah until the kingdom comes for him 
yeah  he will swim 
even in the dim
or walk on water 
towards the father 
and then to me 
yeah man will you be...
mine for a lifetime 


yeah so my wedding will be like this...
well it will end with a very passionate kiss 
yeah because of the love that we found in our dating bliss 
yeah and both him and i...
will start to cry 
because of our vows 
yeah some written as a child 
but now wow...
front and center 
as an adult 
yeah this is what i want 
and this what i deserve 
but does he have nerve?
to love me 
yeah despite my disability 
or will he flee?
yeah leaving no lock or key 
or forwarding address for me to be...
Mrs. Whoever 
no, he would never 
yeah because we go so
good together 
and after all...
it is Fall 
and this is our wedding day 

Sunday, August 2, 2020


Savior where did that storm come from?
You know i can't  run away from the hot sun 
so please cool my life off Boss
yes Lord please toss this turmoil in the oil 
and let it burn up 
yeah lesson learned 
yes Father, please turn the page of this chapter 
and write some laughter 
yeah some happy ever after 
or some heavenly scent in my air vent
yeah no accident 
i need You
yeah i need to see You in my earthly view 
yeah please no more burnt dinners
or charred lunches 
yeah please send my some continued blessings 
in bunches 
from now on 
yes Christ please help me to be strong 
in my slice of life 

Saturday, August 1, 2020


good morning my king 
and everything that comes with you 
so what are we gonna do today?
yeah you lead the way 
yeah even in the play 
i will stay 
by your side 
yeah like a loving bride 
so yeah again i say 
good morning  man 
take my hand 
and lead me to the promise land 
yeah which is a good marriage 
and a baby carriage 
one day  


good morning new life 
yeah good morning paradise 
my breath is just a slice 
but i'll take it 
yeah hello wind 
hello friend 
hello air
thanks not being fair 
and taking care of my share 
of oxygen 
yeah when you could've taken it away last night 
but instead 
my head
saw the light this morning 

Friday, July 31, 2020


kiss me 
because it's Friday 
kiss me 
because u love me 
yeah let's be close 
and toast and coast 
to the most highest plane 
yeah grab my frame 
and change my last name 
to yours 
yeah let's soar 
yeah no doors 
or floors 
nah, just more 
core emotions 
in store 
yeah no war 
just love 
yeah doves 
and diamonds 
yeah internally 
yeah trust 
will deepen our love 
one day 
in some way 
but until then 
kiss me right tonight 
my friend 


please phone ring 
yeah please show me that i mean something 
to you 
yeah let your vocal come through 
and say some new 
and true 
to make my blue 
change to a strange 
bright color 
yeah make me lover 
but no more cover 
no love me openly 
yeah where others can see
us as a healthy tree 
yeah growing and blowing 
in the wind 
yeah no sin 
or rotten spots 
yeah i love is hot 
or warm like corn 
yeah even in a storm 
we will still...


i want to go to Paris France 
yeah to dance in the organ of my name  
yeah no pain or shame can blame 
for wasting
to see 
all around 
earthly grounds 
yeah how profound
that a clown 
can touchdown 
on a land 
made for man 
but made by God 
yeah with His Breath
He made and left 
life and Christ 
all in one 
yeah Grey Po-upon   


sadly,i have lusted 
more than i have loved 
yeah more black crows 
i suppose 
than white doves 
yeah my thoughts 
seem to get caught 
up or down 
in a merry-go-round 
of sounds of sins 
Daddy, when will  this ride
stay still or end?


if i could walk 
where would i go?
i don't know 
but i would walk slow 
to savor the moment 
of God's favor
 in my future 
yeah step by step 
breath by breath 
by myself 
yeah normal 
like caramel
on a ice cream sundae 
yeah what a fun day 
that would be for me
yeah to see my dream 
become a reality 
yeah no lock or key 
just free 

Sunday, July 26, 2020


take these sins
in me
yeah and please give me another route
yeah one that is narrow
but big enough for a sparrow
to walk alongside her guide 
yeah her morning star
or her bright moon
yes  Lord what a beautiful tune
or a sweet cocoon
to be wrapped in
yeah no more sin
or a reason to pretend
yes Father, i can feel your still...
but strong wind
on my inner-skin
yeah it feels like kin
yeah this i say
and this i pray
in Jesus Name 

Saturday, July 25, 2020


girl, i wish i could bring you back into my sight
yeah for just one night
yeah so i can sleep right
in the dark
yeah because you broke my heart
when you left with your breath
yeah and now i don't feel like my self
because death is a funny thing
you get your wings
the choir sings
but it also brings...
a deadly sting
to your kin
and your friend
yeah it feels like a real sin
when you did nothing wrong
but just moved on
to a stronger power
with nothing but flowers
yeah you are being showed
by the savior, girl
but you are not in this world
and so my soul swirls
and then curls up into a ball
yeah until i fall...
and not whole
oh Christ...
please take control 

Friday, July 24, 2020


man, flirting 
yeah because...
flirting doesn't work 
yeah i wan't to be...
to love 
to be hugged
to kiss 
to be missed 
yeah in a climate 
yeah when the world is pissed 
i wan't to exist 
in a relationship 
that is romantic 
and i have no need to panic 
yeah even if,,,
all of my wishes are not granted 
i can stand it 
yeah being with....
a man...
with a plan 
yeah where my hand 
in his 
like a light switch 
on a wall 
yeah i see it all
when it's said and done 
brighten like the sun 


lonely nights
are not right
but they are i see in my sight
and ooo how that hurts
yeah i feel like real dirt
but i need a seed
to feed on
yeah to make me strong
yeah because my heart has been breaking
for so long
yeah like a sad song
on the radio
playing really slow
yeah i feel like plant
that just won't grow

Monday, July 20, 2020


want a guy
give me a try
before i die
my disability
yeah that stays with me
yeah cerebral palsy
is it's name
and causing me social shame
is it's game
yeah jokes
and pain
all rolled into one
yeah it thinks
that it is fun
that i can't run 
or walk 
like normal 
and my skin 
is caramel
so it's hard to tell 
rather or not 
i'm doing 
yeah this body 
is like my own...
personal jail-cell
or hell 
with no smell 
just hurt 
and workmanship   
yeah trying not to slip
into a depression 
yeah while learning...
this real long lesson  


are God's words to the people who hear with an inner ear yeah clear like a tear or a ice cold beer's soul yeah Christ is the mold for our life yeah he is... paradise on Earth yeah he is first before our birth wow, what a thirst that's about to burst out of my brain yeah, such much hunger pains i feel but at least... i am real and i am worthy yeah no hurry or worry just wonder and thunder under the sun yeah until Jesus comes... back yeah truth And facts

Friday, July 17, 2020


sins are not our friends
yeah like the wind is kin to clouds
yeah sometimes it whistles loud
"i love you"
"come on through"
"and breath in what is new"
yeah it's true
God's view
of you
is nice and clear
with no fear
of the future
yeah because...
all is known
before anything is blown
or grown
in a field
yeah for real
all is still
in the night
but all is right
in the moonlight
yeah God's sight
is bright
and mighty
like a duck
yeah there's no need
for luck
yeah when you have a friend
much bigger than sin
in the wind

Monday, July 6, 2020


good morning paper
good morning pen
good morning sun
good morning wind
now where do we begin?
Father forgive me for my sins
and still let your will fill me up
with your lovely cup of Joe
yeah i will sip it slow
even after i blow
my breath
to the left
of your right-hand
yes please work your plan
yeah your writing in the sand
in this human right here
yes lord, please make your words clear
for your sake
yeah before my heart breaks
in Jesus Name

Thursday, July 2, 2020


God when will i....
stop wanting to be...
a we
yeah my love key is..
so take it
but don't break it
yeah my heart is...
apart of a beautiful start
yeah so my guard is down
but my mind is profound
so please man come around
or please God take my breath
yeah if i have to live life
by myself

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


i just wanna wake
and take
a breath
and walk by myself
yeah before my death
i just wanna run
like a track star
yeah who needs a car?
to go far
when you have feet
and the ability to reach
the concrete
yeah beat by beat
how sweet?
would that sound?
to touch the ground
yeah while it's round
and my mind is still profound
yeah to walk up and down
a street
may make me look weak
or like clown
but look deeper
like the reaper
and realize
that i am walking
in wounder
and i am not going under

Monday, June 29, 2020

100% WOKE

lord, i swear
this chair
makes me wanna pull out my hair
yeah it's not fair
that i can walk in my dreams
but in real life
it hurts like a knife
because i can't
well, at least not right now
yeah my body is like child
at 41
yeah i can't walk by myself
nor can i run
to have fun
in the sun
yeah until dark
and my heart can't take it
so lord, just break it
yeah just break my desire
to be on fire

Monday, June 1, 2020

Heaven Vs Earth

ain't that something?
no blood flow
or facial glow
yeah it could get racial
yeah it could get real
but can we feel?
but get dealt with?
like an animal
or a cannibal
but God's will
is still
to love
like doves
that don't cry
with people who don't lie
yeah life with Christ
is do not try
yeah to live
and not die

God vs Us

God made us all
to rise and not fall
when he calls
us to trust
in his word
and his love
when we see doves crying
and people dying for no reason
other than it's human hunting season
i guess
but we are still suppose to bless
each other in the mess of stress
yeah God is using
our bruise
for his choosing
yeah no excusing
yeah he's watching
the clocking
but he already knows
who he has chose
to heal the earth
yeah not to make it worse

Sunday, May 31, 2020


i have black brothers
i have black cousins
i have nephews
that mean something to me
so please let them be
and breathing
yeah able to achieve their american dreams
yeah with no bloody screams
just a life
with Christ
or paradise
on earth
yeah they all have worth
because of their birth
but the world is getting worse
because of some white peoples's racial thirst
that must stop
yeah it's not
just cops
with bad crops
no, it's anyone who feeds
on weeds
or greed
or speed
but what we need
is each other
to go farther
and we must not forget...
our daughters
our sisters
and our nieces
yeah all our little pieces
that make us
a complete puzzle

Thursday, May 28, 2020


so here i sit
on a lit planet
now, granted i am blessed
but i am always stressed
yeah because
there's no romantic love
to speak of
yeah no kisses
no hugs
no back rubs
or hand holding
yeah no one is proposing
yeah not even a porch-awing
yeah i so desire...
a king and a kid
yeah before i bid this world adieu

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


man, often times
people think that my mind
is mentally challenged
because my body is physically
but no i'm not slow like a turtle
now, it's true
i do have hurtles
but i also have a heart
yeah that yearns to be a part
of a love
or a glove to group
that's roots comes from God
and nowhere else
yeah the maker of breath
and paradise
yeah birth
and first
yeah with a burst
of thirst
for more
yeah my soul roars
at the door


man, wanting to walk
and to fly like a hawk
is a normal thought
for me

and wanting to marry guy
that makes me "happy cry"
is a normal thought
for me

yeah can't you see?
despite my disability
i am normal
just like you

yeah i have hopes and dreams
that scream at me too

so what's a girl to do?
when the sky is blue
and the night is dark
she shares her heart
yeah because that part of her
is very normal

Monday, May 25, 2020


i write for days
but my thoughts still make me feel like i'm living in a maze
man, this phase is making me crazy
but not lazy
yeah because like i said
poetry runs in my head
like a hamster on its' wheel
yeah i can't stay
yeah i must deal
with the way i feel
yeah which lovely
strong like clark gable
or clark kent
yeah heaven sent
no accident
yeah here for a reason
and a season of breathing
out loud

Monday, May 18, 2020


life is a long island
yeah filled with sinners
and winners
eating steak
and chicken dinners
with no breaks
but plenty of outtakes
yeah for goodness sake
but i live it
yeah i give it my best shot
yeah rather the weather is...
cold or hot
my spirit...
does not stop
yeah it moves like clockwork
even if it hurts like dirt
to an open womb
yeah my tone...
always assumes
the motion of a balloon


let's be more than friends
yeah, let's sin
and win together
yeah we should never separate
or spew hate
on our dates
yeah ice cream and cake
sounds really great
on your plate
but wait...
let's get married first
yeah says our vows
and sing our verse
yeah poetry
you quench my thirst

Monday, April 6, 2020


man, i'm so romantic in my mind
but people keep leaving me behind
so i guess that why they say...
"love is blind"
yeah because obviously...
they don't see me
yeah sitting by the telephony
hoping to hear a hommie -lover-friend
on the end
yes Father when?
can i stop the pretend?
of sin
in my brain
yes Lord
it's driving me insane
yeah i hate the weight...
of this poetry pain


even if i was blind
i could still see you in my mind
yeah because i think about you all of the time
yeah because my mental clock still works
so yeah my heart still hurts
so will you dig me out the dirt?
or kill me like God did the fig tree?
yeah being human can bring ruin
or humility
yeah Lord help me please
with the bees
or butterflies
in my stomach
yeah before i vomit
over this war of love

Monday, March 23, 2020


man, i'm tryin' to shake you like milk
but your body feels like silk
so lets dunk our trunks in our thoughts
and get caught up in a love affair so rare
but who cared?
lets go there
yeah no more splittin' hairs
or makin' comparisons
yeah and jus' remember when....
we were more than friends


hey you know who you are
yeah you got me searching for a bar
maybe my feelings went to far
but you looked like a star
and so i reached for you
but you didn't follow through
so what's a girl to do?
but feel blue
because you don't love me back like that
and even though that feels wack
that is a fact
so i am single
but i still have a tingle
but sadly know one wants to mingle with me


Hell, why do i feel like i know you so well?
yeah i know you by your smell
so don't try to tell me any lies
yeah i would reorganize
your red eyes
from anywhere
yeah because there's no love
or good there
yeah just violence
and silence
pain and shame
yeah with some very hard rain
yeah tears and fears
for years to come
yeah and so i run
to the son/sun
yeah with no guns
just fun


heaven is not black
heaven is not white
heaven is not dark
heaven is the light
on the flight
to the Almighty
alright y
so we must all get along
yeah we must all become strong
before we are all gone
because separation is wrong
yeah like the coron
yeah such a sad song
playin' on america's soil
yeah it really makes my blood boil
like water
yeah so help us father
in heaven
in the eleventh hour
yeah please shower us
with more love and trust
yeah, because look at us
we need it


man, i wish
that people knew that i exist
yeah to feel a kiss would give me bliss
and to feel a hug...
would make me feel really loved
yeah like a dove in a hand
but please understand
i wan't God's plan
that has already been written in the sand
for me
but i do yearn to be seen
yeah i wanna be somebody dream
come true
yeah i'm so tired of being blue
yeah i yearn for a new color
or lover
in my soul

Sunday, March 22, 2020


good morning my love
yeah good morning my dove on Earth
i so praise God for your birth
and the worth that he put in you
yeah foot by foot
inch by inch
you are essential
yeah so kiss me
yeah don't miss my lips
yeah every single drip
i wanna feel
for real
yeah please don't be still
use your will
to make me tingle
in this daybreak
yeah take my breath away


oh how i yearn
at a turn at a goodnight
yeah that goes and flows like this:
a lot of lip and tongue
yeah the kind of kiss that will make me walk and run
like never have before
yeah i yearn for more love
not war
yeah i wanna feel the kiss in my core
yeah i wanna soar
without my feet ever leaving the floor
yeah i just want my inside to that ride
that no one can see but me and my company
yeah very intimate and time well spent
yeah heaven sent
but earthly bound
yeah i yearn to get lost and found

Friday, March 20, 2020


man, i see love everywhere i go
so that mean my dreams are getting close
to toast
yeah i yearn for my turn at the most
beautiful day
to ever come my way
yeah no more gray skies
or sad blue tears coming from my eyes
i am in a relationship
and a ring was slipped on my hand
so yeah wedding plans will follow tomorrow

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


i wanna love
romantically speaking
yeah where my insight is deepened
and my soul is weeping with joy
oh boy
no i can't be coy
i must share my ploy
with y'all
yes i yearn for a call
that will turn into a date
that can't wait
to become a relationship
yeah no hit and run
i long for some
forever fun
in the sun
and in the dark
yeah i long to share my heart
and all of the parts of my life
that a wife
has up for grabs
yeah my hurts and laughs

Monday, February 17, 2020


unloose my body
yeah stop treating it so naughty
yeah hurting it like fo' real
yeah i want some pain pills
but i truly believe in the one
who heals
yeah no thrills
it just is
what it is
to spaz no more

Sunday, February 9, 2020


everybody wants to talk
but no one wants to a mile in my shoes
yeah no one wants to dance the blues
but even i didn't choose
this life
no, Christ did for me
and now here i be...
writing exciting things down
yeah flapping my wings of dreams around
yeah despite being clown
by a crowd that speaks loud
about my weakness
but i want be in a rut for long
yeah because God made my soul strong


so i made it to another week
yeah even though i feel a little weak
God didn't let me sleep deep
no death didn't creep
in on me
but i do feel lonely
yeah like something is missing
i wish i was kissing
yeah nothing naughty
yeah just kissing
but not for others to just see
no, but for them to be...
to love someone back
yeah no slack
no lack
just no that
it is real
so why be still?
yeah if you can feel
among the billions

Friday, January 24, 2020


if i say that i am a christian
would you sit down and listen?
or would you treat me like clown on a little bike
and laugh at me on sight
because what i said...
didn't make any sense to your head
yeah and you think i have been misled
all of this time
yeah you think being a christian...
is a crime
a lie
a wack try
at a brainwashing
but yet a very exciting ride
and look on the outside
yeah lets hang glide
to a gospel
that may or may not...
be true
but see...
you were once new like me
yeah a bonsai tree
in your mom's belly
yeah but where did this kiss of Jesus Jelly come from?

Monday, January 13, 2020


man, today i really wanna hear from God
yeah, i'm listenin' really hard
yeah my guard is down
and no one is around
yeah so God has the ground
and the floor
yeah i jus' yearn to learn
to soar
out of this war
called earth
yeah my birth
brought on a thirst
and a hunger of wonder
that jus' won't go away today
yeah no wordplay
jus' the truth
and proof
that in fact
there is more
behind these revolving doors
called life
yeah please help Christ
to hear you clearly
yeah so i can be nearly
with your view