Tuesday, July 30, 2019


for a lot of my life
i have been suicidal
but now here i sit
in my wheelchair
feeling bridal
yeah i wanna get married
yeah i want a new arrival
yeah a day
to go my way
and nothing else
yeah i want day all for myself
yeah the doors open
and i'm just coasting
or so it seems
in my dreams
yeah the cream
to God's crop
yeah until my heart stop
but now i'm looking at a clock
and there's no man to hold my hand
in the sand
to propose
yeah there's no rose
but i still wanna see how my life goes

Monday, July 29, 2019


this clown
is counting down
to Heaven
yeah like it's almost eleven
'till midnight
yeah i can almost see the light
in front of me
yeah i don't need speed
or a key
no because my love
is patiently waiting for me
to walk
or fly like a hawk
in the sky
yeah i focus on things
that are high
and that i have to try to reach
yeah like a peach
on a tree
or a fish
in the sea
yeah because honestly
my goal is...
to get my soul
back home
where i belong


i write like a kite
moves in the air
yeah without a care
in the world
but my feels
do have some twist ans twirl
yeah this girl has seen some dreams
just float away
but thank God for wordplay
yeah or else my breaths
would seem crazy
or lazy
on this landscape
but My Lord
has made floating great
now sure, there's been some lakes
and rivers
yeah that have made my soul shiver
to the core of my foundation
but whenever i write
my future looks bright


today has already been planned
but not by man
but by a God that died hard
yeah he dropped his guard
so i could start
living good
in any hood i choose
yeah listening to jazz and blues
a.k.a. my heartbeats
yeah my day just wouldn't be complete
without blood running through my hands and feet
which is neat
if you think about it
and never doubt it
for one second
yeah the whole twenty-four
yeah love and war
knocking at the door
but don't keep score
no, just soar
and pray for more

Sunday, July 28, 2019


yesterday was nice
yeah yesterday was good
yeah and i pray for more yesterdays
yeah knock on wood
or should i say
rely on the word
yeah because yesterday
i know that God heard me
yeah because yesterday
like a bird
i got free
yeah God put the key in the door
and i soared
to new heights
like a kite
or a bike
on a trail
yeah all was well

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


so wanna cry
yeah i wanna disturb crowds
because my nerves are so bad
or better said
my heart and head
are so sad
yeah because i love
so hard
or so well
and you can tell
if you're around
this clown
and so my guard
falls down
when a friend
who you depend on
does you wrong
or so it seems
man i wanna cry
for my hopes and dreams
yeah because these ropes
are so hard to cope with
but i can't switch my pitch
or change my strange posture
so for God's Sake take me of the roster


damn, i'm confused
by God and the things he use
to get his view across
yeah sometimes
even in then sunshine
i'm still lost
like i'm in the dark
yeah my heart is sad
because my heavenly dad
won't tell everything
he's gonna bring my way
yeah day after day i pray
that he will say...
okay this is gonna happen
or that's gonna happen
but Me, Your Father, I am still...
The Captain