Tuesday, December 22, 2015


my hurting
is working
for me
yes everything
i have gone through
yes everything that has made me blue
is now
poetry for you
therapy for me
so you see
my hurting
is working
on a daily
yes it's crazy
that even in my pain
i can't be lazy
so letter by letter
and word by word
when i write
i fly
like a bird
in the sky
yeah i get a natural high
and all my troubles
seem to lessen
or pass me by
so i try
to stay
in the hurt
until it works
out of me
yes until i'm free
like a fish
in the sea
yeah hurting
works for me
in this sense
yeah it's no accident
yeah it's more like heaven sent
as crazy as it may sound
at least that how i feel
whenever i write
my real feelings down

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