Saturday, January 24, 2015


Jeremiah 1:5New King James Version (NKJV) 5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”i is my favorite scripture,because at a time when i was very suicidal those words just seem to jump off the page at me to let me know that i was not accident. Yes even before my parents ever met. my spirit was already made up in his mind. Which is mind blowing to me but i do believe that before i was conceived he on his right sleeve. Or should right arm , like a tattoo . Yes my parents just didn't know how far they were going to go, because they were still growing up.yeah you see they met as kids but before they did what they did, God already done what he had done. Yes he needed another daughter to go along with his son. Yes little oh me. Before i even had eyes to see or hands to feel, i was already real. Because a spirit real essence of someone. A spirit can never die. Someone's flesh yes, but a spirit last forever. So i am really going to live forever. just like "FAME'S THEME SONG" said Hey, i guess God was trying to let me importance then,before the world got to me with their "nappy disable crap" title. yes not able to bring anything of substance to table. But that scripture says differently. Yes it means since he made me he going to continue to be there to make sure that i live out his will until he says otherwise But bottom line i wasn't a surprise to no one in heaven, just on earth. And plus i have worth. Thanks to God.

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