Thursday, January 14, 2021


 man my heart 

hates the dark 

because I'm alone in it 

yeah the single life 

cuts like a knife 

no sugar  

no spice \

yeah no one's girlfriend 

or wife 

yeah not even a slice 

yeah no date 

to wait for 

to open up my door

and so my heart sits sore  

or sad and lonely 

I should say

yeah because no one seems to wanna love me 

and stay 



i'm  just about through  

askin' you to:

 love me 

kiss and hug me

and mote 

yeah I'm almost ready to close 

the door 

I suppose 

who knows

but bein' alone...

really blows 

Wednesday, January 13, 2021



it is 6:17 

and this queen 

is thinking about most things 

engagement rings 

but your heart doesn't sing for me 

yeah, in fact, your vocal wack 

well, let me take that back 

there are some very friendly note 

but tour throat chokes up 

at you know what?

yeah romantic songs 

yeah you can't hold notes 

for long

for me 

so you see 

I be so lonely 

but I am not phony 

with my feelings 

yeah no matter how hard I try 

my heart just can't lie

or stop crying out 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Lover's Luck

 man i can't seem to shake this heartbreak 

yeah belly aches 

for goodness sakes 

i mean, how much more will I have to take?

of these close door dreams 

of being a queen 

or a girlfriend 

yes a candle in the wind 

is being in-love a sin

yeah was I just born to pretend?

that someone will like me 

and want to like me

in spite of my disability 

but crazy as it sounds 

even though I feel down 

my will is still up 

for a little lover's luck