Wednesday, December 30, 2020


 whenever it gets dark 

my heart 

gets lonely 

i wish someone would hold me 

but i sleep alone 

yeah and that feels so wrong 

but at least my writing is strong 

and long enough 

to write a rough draft 

to make you all laugh 

at my pain 

and at my shame  

but who's to blame?

at my no-name change 

yes i feel strange 

being single 

because my heart...

so wants to mingle 

yeah this tingle 

is torching me 

but no cares to see 

my availability 


 pages and pages 

of my emotions 

almost drown me like an ocean 

but trust me  


is like lotion 

to my inner skin 

yeah it soothes me like a friend

over and over again 

yeah no need to pretend 


I'm hurting 

and being self-serving 

to whatever I'm going through 

and choose to share it with you know who 

yeah I bare to blue 

and the green '

and the in-between

yeah I come clean 

while still looking like a queen  

in the meantime 

Monday, December 28, 2020



i'm still waiting to be kissed

under the mistletoe 

and to dance real slow 

on the flo ' 

yeah don't let go 

and love me so much 

yeah please let me feel your touch 

like a crouch 

to a broken leg 

yeah love me

like men love Meg Ryan 

whenever she is crying 

or close to dying 

yeah I'm not lying 

i wanna be like that "it girl"

in the movies 

that all guys...

 can't keep up their eyes...

off of

yeah, I yearn...

for a turn...

real movie love 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020



whenever i see someone

walk into a room 

or play a tune 

i say...

why can't that be me?


yeah in someway 

my sky is gray 

and my heart 

is dark 

yeah because

i am not 

an active part 

of the crossing guard 

Monday, December 21, 2020


 man, I cry 

'cause my soul can't lie 

about my hurtful 

yeah even if it tried 

my pride...

goes out the window 

and my feelings...


yeah my cerebral

loves to let people know 

just how painful 

my palsy can be

yeah it's like a raging sea

to a boat 

yeah, no hope \

without a rope 

bur I cope 

as I soak 

in water

yeah so father

I don't wanna be bother 

but guess what?

I am 




 man, i wish y'all could understand 

that the ability to walk on this land 

looks so grand to me 

yeah it's literary all I can see 

and all that I hope to be 

doing someday 

yay, I wanna say 

"hey earthly ground "

"let's play around" 

"yeah, step by step"

leap by leap"

"let's walk around"

"until my feet fall asleep" 



Monday, December 14, 2020


words were here 
before our tears
words were here 
before our tears 
yeah words were here 
before our gears got to going 
and why? 
because God is 
the word 
so he is all-knowing 
yeah flowing on pages 
and stages 
yeah he is 