Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 damn, do i have to put a romantic kiss

on my bucket list  

just to get one 

and do i have to write 

i wanna be able to...

walk and run 

just for fun 

until God's will is done 

for me 

yeah in this earth society 

where i see a variety

of better or worse 

but i so thirst

for a burst 

of love 

and not war

yeah my heart is sore 

but i yearn for more


yeah more fire 

yeah this daughter 

wants to use her water 

to make things grow 

and flow 


yeah like an amazon tree 

shielding me from the sun 

yeah kingdom come 


to the ground 

and wash away...

my loneliness today  



 man, i so want to give birth 

to something with worth 

yeah lady first 

a queen i mean 

in the making 

that isn't taking...

anything sh*r 

yeah a woman...

who won't quit 

yeah even when things get stuff 

she will become rough 

if need be 

yeah that's the daughter...

i want to come out of me 


yeah i want to see 

a female tree 

grow and know 

that i loved her so 

yeah now and before...

i go 

where there is a glow 

and a flow of faith 

that taste milk and honey 

yeah i'm not being funny 

i want produce 

more than money 

yeah i want a baby 

as crazy as that might...


i believe that i was put on...

 this ground 

to have a belly...

 that is round 

yeah a child 

how profound

Monday, August 24, 2020


 sleep makes me weak 

sleep makes me sad 

sleep makes me yearn 

for things that i once had 

yeah which is so bad 

as i toss and turn

man, will my heart ever learn?

or will it always burn?


man, i can't seem to get my dreams 
off my mind 
yeah i been living 41 years 
but i still feel real...
left behind 
man, i don't understand...
why life is so unkind 
and love is so bind to me 
yeah oh how yearn...
to have a turn 
at a burning burn 
yes Father please give me a push 
or a change to dance...
on water like Fred Astaire 
yeah moving without a care in the world 
yeah a real dream-girl 
with pearls of wisdom 
in her head 
and finally my husband in our bed 
and our kid in my belly 
yeah i'm more than ready 


 man, anger 

is no stranger 

to my daily life 

but so help me Christ 

i so want to stop...

being so mad and sad 

about what i have had 

and want back 

or the fact that...

i want more 

yeah such a tug a war

is going on inside of me 

but i want to let go

to be set free 

yeah i'm searching 

for the key 

of my unhappy heart 

yeah to start over 


Friday, August 21, 2020


man, i can't pursue you

no, that's not what a girl is supposed to do

so i guess...

i must not stress 

and be true 

to you 

finding me 

with your lock and key 

yeah your property

your wife 

your life 

yeah the spice 

on your rib 

that is sensitive

and tender 

and something to remember    

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


 man, when i write 

i feel real




and stable 

yeah like a maple tree 

just free 

to be 


or more 

yeah i can soar 

through doors 

if i choose 

or sing the blues 

or spread the good news 

of God 

yeah his hard work 

has paid off 

yeah because...

my soul is not loss 

yeah because...

words are my boss 

Monday, August 17, 2020


 my desire to walk

is hovering over me like a hawk 

or a crow 

but only God know....

if it will be so 

yeah if i will... 

stay still 

or get up and go

fast or slow 

yeah like the flow of water 

God's knows his daughter 

 yeah because he created me 

like the sea 

yeah with complexity 

and flexibility

beyond my comprehension  

but Father if i can add an extension 

please make this hun...

  walk and run 

into the sun 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Quenched Thirst

 i have been in love twice 

but i have yet to see paradise 

yeah i have yet to become...

 someone's wife 

or someone's mother 

yeah cover to cover 

i yearn to be

 someone's lover 

yeah someone's ...

happily ever after chapter 

and verse 

yeah someone's...

quenched thirst 

R.E.M. P.M.

 man, i swear i have so many nightmares 

yeah my sleep don't play fair 

yeah no it doesn't care 

that my heart beats fast 

against an hourglass 

that i can't see 

yeah Father please help me

fully wake up 

and fill my morning cup 

with good luck 

yeah that will last 

before i pass 

away in my sleep 

yeah the dark 

and deep 

makes me weak 

so yes Lord, 

please keep


in your reach  


all i have is time on my mind 

yeah time wasted 

and time worked 

yeah in the dirt 

of hurt 

and harvest 

yeah mud 

and floods 

until i see 

rose buds 

growing out of me 


yeah flowers are not free 

yeah says the powers the be 

the seed 

that all us need 


strong, tall, and beautiful   

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Flows of The Father and His Daughter

 man, my heart is heavy 

bu my spirit is ready

to soar into the war

of the unsure 

yeah because of God's love 

circling me like dove 

or catching me like a glove

when my soul rolls 

out of control 

yeah but only heaven really knows 

the flows of the father and his daughter 

yeah like rivers and waters 

banks and harbors 

together we can 

go farther than man's plan 

on this land 

of quicksand 

and quarantine

yeah this world 

is mean and clean 

at the same time 

yeah like moonshine and wine 

yeah blind and kind 

innocent and committing a crime    

behind bars 

yeah while looking up at the stars 

Thursday, August 6, 2020


man one day i will walk into a room 
yeah i don't know how soon 
but one day my feet will make a beautiful beat 
on some concrete or linoleum floor  
yeah for sure i will soar 
from my core 
like an eagle 
yeah i can
just picture me 
trying to be regale  
for people 
to see 
but on the inside 
my soul 
will be on a ride 
to running 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


who doesn't care...
if i ever walk or run somewhere 
yeah and loves the feel of my lips 
and the taste of my tongue 
yeah someone who sees me
as a smokin' hot gun 
of a woman  
yeah that would be
something good 
yeah to be understand 
under my hood 
and into my heart 
man, what a perfect start?
yeah to be able to...
let down my guard 
with a guy 
who makes me feel high 
and like i can fly...
if i just try
yeah it makes me wanna cry 
just thinkin' about it
yeah because...
i don't wanna die 
without ever experiencing...
 real romantic love  

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


man, i want a groom 
who will make room 
for me
in heart 
start to finish 
yeah with blemishes 
and all 
but feels called to me 
by the heavenly's 
yes please 
get on your knees  
and propose 
yes please put a ring on hand 
and not in my nose 
and as my face glows
you know 
that i love you so much 
yeah your gentle touch 
give me such a rush
that i can trust 
yeah us 
is definitely a plus 


man, i want a guy 
who isn't ashamed to cry 
and who isn't afraid to ask God why?
do good or young die? 
and when God replies...
he doesn't run 
no, he will...
just sit still... 
and listen like a good little son 
yeah until the kingdom comes for him 
yeah  he will swim 
even in the dim
or walk on water 
towards the father 
and then to me 
yeah man will you be...
mine for a lifetime 


yeah so my wedding will be like this...
well it will end with a very passionate kiss 
yeah because of the love that we found in our dating bliss 
yeah and both him and i...
will start to cry 
because of our vows 
yeah some written as a child 
but now wow...
front and center 
as an adult 
yeah this is what i want 
and this what i deserve 
but does he have nerve?
to love me 
yeah despite my disability 
or will he flee?
yeah leaving no lock or key 
or forwarding address for me to be...
Mrs. Whoever 
no, he would never 
yeah because we go so
good together 
and after all...
it is Fall 
and this is our wedding day 

Sunday, August 2, 2020


Savior where did that storm come from?
You know i can't  run away from the hot sun 
so please cool my life off Boss
yes Lord please toss this turmoil in the oil 
and let it burn up 
yeah lesson learned 
yes Father, please turn the page of this chapter 
and write some laughter 
yeah some happy ever after 
or some heavenly scent in my air vent
yeah no accident 
i need You
yeah i need to see You in my earthly view 
yeah please no more burnt dinners
or charred lunches 
yeah please send my some continued blessings 
in bunches 
from now on 
yes Christ please help me to be strong 
in my slice of life 

Saturday, August 1, 2020


good morning my king 
and everything that comes with you 
so what are we gonna do today?
yeah you lead the way 
yeah even in the play 
i will stay 
by your side 
yeah like a loving bride 
so yeah again i say 
good morning  man 
take my hand 
and lead me to the promise land 
yeah which is a good marriage 
and a baby carriage 
one day  


good morning new life 
yeah good morning paradise 
my breath is just a slice 
but i'll take it 
yeah hello wind 
hello friend 
hello air
thanks not being fair 
and taking care of my share 
of oxygen 
yeah when you could've taken it away last night 
but instead 
my head
saw the light this morning