Monday, March 23, 2020


man, i'm tryin' to shake you like milk
but your body feels like silk
so lets dunk our trunks in our thoughts
and get caught up in a love affair so rare
but who cared?
lets go there
yeah no more splittin' hairs
or makin' comparisons
yeah and jus' remember when....
we were more than friends


hey you know who you are
yeah you got me searching for a bar
maybe my feelings went to far
but you looked like a star
and so i reached for you
but you didn't follow through
so what's a girl to do?
but feel blue
because you don't love me back like that
and even though that feels wack
that is a fact
so i am single
but i still have a tingle
but sadly know one wants to mingle with me


Hell, why do i feel like i know you so well?
yeah i know you by your smell
so don't try to tell me any lies
yeah i would reorganize
your red eyes
from anywhere
yeah because there's no love
or good there
yeah just violence
and silence
pain and shame
yeah with some very hard rain
yeah tears and fears
for years to come
yeah and so i run
to the son/sun
yeah with no guns
just fun


heaven is not black
heaven is not white
heaven is not dark
heaven is the light
on the flight
to the Almighty
alright y
so we must all get along
yeah we must all become strong
before we are all gone
because separation is wrong
yeah like the coron
yeah such a sad song
playin' on america's soil
yeah it really makes my blood boil
like water
yeah so help us father
in heaven
in the eleventh hour
yeah please shower us
with more love and trust
yeah, because look at us
we need it


man, i wish
that people knew that i exist
yeah to feel a kiss would give me bliss
and to feel a hug...
would make me feel really loved
yeah like a dove in a hand
but please understand
i wan't God's plan
that has already been written in the sand
for me
but i do yearn to be seen
yeah i wanna be somebody dream
come true
yeah i'm so tired of being blue
yeah i yearn for a new color
or lover
in my soul

Sunday, March 22, 2020


good morning my love
yeah good morning my dove on Earth
i so praise God for your birth
and the worth that he put in you
yeah foot by foot
inch by inch
you are essential
yeah so kiss me
yeah don't miss my lips
yeah every single drip
i wanna feel
for real
yeah please don't be still
use your will
to make me tingle
in this daybreak
yeah take my breath away


oh how i yearn
at a turn at a goodnight
yeah that goes and flows like this:
a lot of lip and tongue
yeah the kind of kiss that will make me walk and run
like never have before
yeah i yearn for more love
not war
yeah i wanna feel the kiss in my core
yeah i wanna soar
without my feet ever leaving the floor
yeah i just want my inside to that ride
that no one can see but me and my company
yeah very intimate and time well spent
yeah heaven sent
but earthly bound
yeah i yearn to get lost and found

Friday, March 20, 2020


man, i see love everywhere i go
so that mean my dreams are getting close
to toast
yeah i yearn for my turn at the most
beautiful day
to ever come my way
yeah no more gray skies
or sad blue tears coming from my eyes
i am in a relationship
and a ring was slipped on my hand
so yeah wedding plans will follow tomorrow

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


i wanna love
romantically speaking
yeah where my insight is deepened
and my soul is weeping with joy
oh boy
no i can't be coy
i must share my ploy
with y'all
yes i yearn for a call
that will turn into a date
that can't wait
to become a relationship
yeah no hit and run
i long for some
forever fun
in the sun
and in the dark
yeah i long to share my heart
and all of the parts of my life
that a wife
has up for grabs
yeah my hurts and laughs