Thursday, June 27, 2019


you know who you are
yeah you are a star
who live a little far
for my taste
yeah i say that because
my love
we can't embrace
yeah your face
is not in front of mind
yeah you left me behind
like a dime or a dollar v
but i still wish i could grab your collar
and give you a kiss
yeah because i really do miss your silly way most days
yeah the way we used to play
and the things we used say
to each other
yeah i love you like brutha
but obviously you see
us goin' any further
than it did
and to make my heartbreak more
you treat me like kid
and lock your door
and then expect me not to be...

Sadly, Without You

how can you put me through this?
yeah when you know that i exist
and love you so much
yeah i crave your conservation
like a slave craves
yeah freedom to laugh
about the past, present,future
and grasp my growth to the upmost
yeah let's toast
to me
let's you
but wait, i don't see you in my view '
and so i boohoo
because obviously your love...
wasn't true towards me
so where is the key?
to my heart
yeah so i can start
a new
without you

Friday, June 7, 2019

Lymphatic System

man, how many more breaths to i get to breathe before i leave this Earth?
i mean, i have been breathing since birth
but i didn't realize their worth
but now, "this child"eyes are open
and i am thinking
as my life is shrinking
yeah day after day
night after night
yeah my breaths...
loves to take flight
so i know
that death is right ...
around the corner
so i'm gonna move
God Will...
doesn't move
in me freely
yeah my body is still
and "this human" is no longer at war

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Integumentary system

man i don't understand
and how my pride loves to ride by my side
and how my blood loves to flood my brain with painful thoughts
but God has taught me how to be productive with my reluctance
yeah and turn my heartburn into poetry for everyone to see
yeah the deepest part of me exposed
but my soul has chose...
yeah so my whole life is a human sacrifice
yeah the sugar and spice
and not so nice
yeah Earth and Paradise combined
yeah and so sometimes my mind isn't fine
and sometimes, my heart can be bitter and kind
but i swear that The Divine is always here....
and there

Wednesday, June 5, 2019


my hand jumps like a chump
in a swamp full of piranha
but i still wanna right
yeah day and night
until the light turns dark
or my heartburn...
becomes a lesson learned
or a blessing in disguise
yeah where my eye are wide
with surprise

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Circulatory System

all systems go
yeah blood flow
in me
yeah just like God wanted you to be
yeah no one is suppose to see
anything less than the best
when put to the test
yeah please make my mind rest
and my worries disappear
yeah please let things come back crystal clear like Christ
and paradise
but on Earth
yeah i still have worth
and a thirst for more
so Father please take away the sore in my core
yeah please don't close the door on my life
yeah don't let me see a knife
or a needle
from doctors or people
yeah physically or emotionally either
yeah because i was born to be a leader
in Jesus name

respiratory system

i have lungs
so why don't i have fun?
i have legs
so why can't i run?
well. only God knows the answer
yeah, of this private dancer
or this private person
but i am hunting
yeah, because i am a human
but i am not ruining
but i would like to know...
more about what God is doing
with my life
with my breath
with my death
yeah what is left
and beyond
yeah i to run
and have fun
yeah before it's all said and done
or written
yeah no kidding
i am nosy
but that's because...
i'm not cozy