Sunday, December 30, 2018


i'm walking
i'm running
now isn't that something
yeah a dream come true
i'm walking
just like you
yeah in clear view
but my legs aren't new
they just work now some how
but not like a child
but an adult
yeah i float
like boat
but on land
yeah i can walk
like a man
or like Christ
for the first time in my life

Wednesday, December 5, 2018


poetry knows my pain
and rains on that seed until the weeds need to removed
and my inside are smoothed
or God's uses it as nourishment for the nations
yeah i am His Creation
or His Vision
so listen
my pain is to help
my wept is to warn
yeah the poetry that i perform
or the pain that i feel is very real
yeah like still waters
or raging fires
my lows can get you to higher flows
yeah your insides can grow like a flower
from pain rain-showers
yeah so we both can get power
from my pouring rain
on stain-glass window