Wednesday, September 28, 2016


man i can't seem to part
with this love i have in my heart
yes my guard is down
and yes i feel like clown
because everybody is laughing at me
and passing me by
which makes me cry
and breaks my heart
but like i said
i can't seem to part
with this feeling
of no one dealing with me
i guess it's because i watch to much tv
but honestly
if i had my choice
i wouldn't be bothered with that noise
yeah i would be outside
taking a ride
around the block
until my wheels stop
or God calls me home
but right or wrong
i hate being alone
meaning unattached
but that is where i'm at
a lonely catch

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Lately i been waking up sad
so then i pray to my dad
and the sadness goes away
yeah usually for the rest of the day
so i'm okay
how are you?
and what do you do?
when you are feeling blue
or not yourself
yeah close to death
or so it seems
do you scream?
to make sure that you're not dreaming
and then search for a deeper meaning
while i...
do all of the above
because i love figuring things
yeah even if it makes me scream and shout
on the inside
and out
yeah full of fear
full of doubts
full of pouts
just full of emotions