Sunday, October 26, 2014


Day after day i sit at my desk waiting for a reason to confess my mess or my blessings And it does mater to me what comes out of my spirit first, as long as it's not rehearsed. Meaning how i really feel right then, so yes no pretend in sight. Because totally honesty is alright. Now that's not to say that telling the truth will never hurt, but i truly believe that the truth will always work out for my good eventually. Like for instance, when i was 14 years old experience my fist crush ever and since i couldn't verbally talk to him (due to him being so fine in my opinion) I began writing the most heartfelt letters to him. Now my letters didn't move his heart the way hr moved mine, but that honest exchange has frame everything i do today in books. My emotions forces me to take a look at myself in depth. Because once my emotions hit the paper or my computer, I have no but to accept what is there. Now often times i don't like see in front of me But deal with it. Because whatever is on the page is there for a reason. Even though i might only feel like that for season, it is a season that made an imprint on my life in some way. So stay gift. And help me up lift myself as well as others. Because i am lover of words and emotions But more important i am lover of uplifting people. Not putting them on a petrol but to help them feel better enough to go on. Even when when facing a storm. Yes i try to be a friend in my words Yes even through my mess and stress, i try to bless Because it seems like whatever i go through is not for me but you. Yes you out there who is reading this, and who is feeling pissed about whatever is going on wrong in your home (internally speaking) So i siting at my desk day after is not such a bad thing after all.